Monday, November 11, 2013

October Happenings

Actually, A LOT happened in October and this post will just skim the surface.

The big news for this girl is that once she hit about 7 weeks old we have been getting longer sleep stretches at night.  It started with a 4 hour stretch pretty consistently.  She has recently pulled 7 hours, but followed by a poor night of 3 hour increments.  Still, I feel like a new woman!
 A new discovery, a neighbor has a motorized jeep that they let my kids ride anytime they want.
 Rachel has field day in the fall.  It was no easy task to make it to this, but it means the world to her.  So worth the effort.
 I try and enjoy this as often as I can.  Sadly it's happening less and less these days.
 Facetime with cousin Bryn.  Cute twinners right?
 The kids were really sweet in helping me with Lily one night when Jake was out of town.
 Bubbles he made with his mouth
 There's something about a boy and a superman cape that just makes my heart smile
 Outside enjoying the beautiful fall weather
 Apple picking.  I wasn't too impressed with the crop this year, but we made some great applesauce
 Conference style
 One Saturday morning we were all in the kitchen enjoying pancakes, we look over and see this.  None of my babies have ever fallen asleep this young without being wrapped, bounced, and pacified.
 The girlies
 Love those edible cheeks
 Tummy time or Tommy time


The Bawden's said...

Oh, I miss those days of snuggling sleepy newborns! They grow up too fast! Your kids and their bouncing and swaddling, too funny.

La said...

That facetime picture is too dang cute. There really is nothing like a toothless grin! And I miss Lily.

Mortar and Pestle Mom said...

They are all so sweet. So glad you are getting more sleep. I'm waiting for that day :) It will come!

Herways Go West said...

As I said, can't wait to hold Lily....well, even to meet her actually. Fun post. Loved every shot.

Amy said...

Love the toothless girls on facetime! So cute! Lily's cheeks are to die for. So kissable! Tommy time has got to be a favorite time of the day. Cute big brother! I'm glad she's sleeping better for you. Makes all the difference really. Kate's curls are incredible! Really wish I could have tapped into the Grossen gene somewhere!

natalie said...

I took a pic of facetime with the toothless cousins too. :) So much fun. Face time us again soon!

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