Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rach is 8

A big year for this girl.  She has been excited about turning 8 ever since she turned 3.  And even though she's getting big, I'm so happy that she's still a little girl.  Hard to believe the "tweens" are right around the corner...and in that same amount of time she'll be 16 years old!  Yikes!!

For her birthday breakfast she requested banana bread.
 She can be so sweet sometimes
"Happy" birthday
 Love that 1/2 smile!

 I told Rachel that we couldn't do a friend birthday party this year because planning a baptism was enough for me to handle, especially with a newborn.  She understood and was okay with it at first, but as the day got closer she really wanted to celebrate with her friends.  We compromised.  We made a last minute decision to bring in all the neighborhood kids that were all playing outside, to help us eat the cake.  They all happily obliged.
So Rachel asked for a chocolate coconut cake because she said she saw a cartoon where Daisy Duck had it or something.  I never made it before and I tried googling recipes but in the end just threw something together and it turned out really good.  Ironically Rachel got a baptism journal that had a picture of this very cake, with the candles arranged exactly like I did.  It was kind of trippy.
Rachel has been wanting a real harmonica (the dollar store version didn't cut it) for a while now.  She was super excited about this gift.
And there was one day back in the beginning of summer maybe, I feel like it was even long before that, we went to Barnes and Noble to look at books.  Rachel found this Mythology book and really wanted it.  I told her I wasn't going to get it and after more begging I told her she could put it on her birthday list.  Well, this girl did not forget, and she's finally got it.

 She was also very excited about her new scriptures.  She even came down out of her bed that night to tell us all the fascinating things she learned about the Creation.
 Good ol' Rach (her favorite nickname)
Part of our compromise was that she could have a birthday "play date" with pizza and the left over cake.  I think I want to put out a petition to make all birthday parties like this.  Super easy and affordable and the kids did a fabulous job of entertaining themselves.  They made these rubber band bracelets (the recent fad that exploded overnight in popularity) and played flashlight tag outside.  They had a great time.
 They were all very fascinated by Lily and they were very curious about breastfeeding.
Ana, Gianna, and Jasmine.  Great girls, I love them.
A few things about Rachie:
  • She continues to LOVE learning.  She loves school and can even be found making math problems just for fun.
  • An avid reader
  • A creative and talented writer
  • Is a sensitive little soul and really feels what people feel.  She often cries when someone else is crying.
  • Can make a friend anywhere and everywhere
  • Really appreciates a bright crisp morning, or a beautiful sunset
  • Can be really stubborn and puts out a good defense to justify herself.  She will be great on a debate team someday.  But I sure struggle to get her to listen and obey sometimes.


Herways Go West said...

So here is what I think. Going outside and asking all the neighborhood kids in for cake and calling that the birthday party? BRILLIANT. Wish I had thought of that one. The kids loved it, the parents loved it, and you had your cake and ate it too. I think all parties should now have to be along that order. Spontaneous, fun, no stress.
Congrats to Rach. She is one of a kind rocket star to be sure. Give her a big hug from us!

Amy said...

Still can't believe that Rach is eight!? And I think it is so great that she wanted the mythology book. The party planning was brilliant because let's face it, planning birthday parties...not so much fun! Glad she had a good day.

natalie said...

Happy bday rachel! Simple parties are the best. You are a smart mom.

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