Friday, November 22, 2013

Baptism and a Blessing

Wow, where to even begin!  Such an anticipated day, and then with so much planning and preparation as well with all the details.  We started weeks in advance taking care of the details to minimize any stress.  But Rachel will probably always remember the stress I had with her baptism dress.  Our Primary supposedly owns a couple of dresses for the girls to use.  I went to the church 3 different times looking for them, and then started calling and emailing everyone I could think of.  In the meantime I ordered one online.  It came and was humongous.  So then I found a seamstress in the ward.  But as she was working on it, I still didn't feel good about it, so I called my mom to pick one up in Utah the day before she came out.  And that's the one that ended up working.  Phew!

The day was really special.  When we arrived at the church the building it was FREEZING.  Something to do with the fact that the heat hadn't been turned on for the season yet and it taking a while to get it going.  I don't know.  Rachel felt the water and it was warm (at least it was then).  Rachel was so excited and as giddy as ever...almost impossible to get her to stand still for the pictures we wanted.  We had a great turn out of family and friends, and a HUGE thanks to our family that made extra efforts to be there for her baptism.

Grandma and Great Grandma
Rachel's best friend Alai from our neighborhood
Cousin Scarlet
Tommy really wanted to get his picture with Rachel too.
Some just didn't work out
We had a fabulous little program.  Rachel decided most of it, the songs, the talks, etc.  When the opening song "A Child's Prayer" began I kind of lost it as I became overwhelmed with the spirit and my love for Rachel.  My friend gave a fantastic talk on Baptism, comparing it to how baby Lily will learn how to walk, the steps she needs to go through to get there and the setbacks.  Her cousin Scarlet sang a solo of "When I am Baptized."  Sweetest thing I've ever heard.

When it came time for them to enter the font. I couldn't really see because of all the little kids, but that made me happy.  Jake paused after he began and later he told me he was moved with the thought and power of the words, "having been commissioned of Jesus Christ."  (Hope he dosen't mind me sharing that).

I guess the water ended up being FREEZING as well.  Poor Rach, but at the same time it made it a really neat experience that I don't think she'll forget.  As she came out of the water she was just beaming and says, "I feel SO good."  As we went and got her dried off and changed her clothes she was shivering like crazy and she says, "Usually I'm so cold and cranky, but right now I'm so cold and happy!"  So cute right?

Afterwards she was confirmed and given the gift of the Holy Ghost, to be her constant companion.  In that blessing Jake blessed her with patience...patience with others, with herself, and with God.  He blessed her that when things don't go the way she hopes or plans, to have faith.

Such a special spirit and feeling that day.  When the program ended we had a light lunch with "Rachel" sandwiches (pastrami, swiss cheese, coleslaw and dressing), a veggie tray, a salad, apples and caramel, fruit salad, donuts, pumpkin cookies, cupcakes, and apple cider.  All I did was the cupcakes and apple cider.  For the rest of it I assigned out to when someone offered to help.    And boy did I need it!  With a newborn, Rachel's birthday, family in town, etc. I literally had no time.  My grandma was really impressed with all the help I received from the ward members.  I honestly can't adequately express how my heart has been filled and the love I have felt from the kindness and service of the ward recently in helping me with the baptism as well as with Lily.  Anyway, the food was delicious and the perfect amount.  And that's how I would describe the day, it was perfect!

How I love this 8 year old!  I'm so proud of her and the person she is.
And then just a day later....

We had Lillian Marie blessed at church.

The couple things that stood out for me during her blessing was that she would be able to draw strength and confidence through the talents of her siblings and she was blessed to receive an extra measure of health and protection.  She was awake and happy through it all.
3 generation picture!

Probably my favorite picture of all.  This kid and his love for "Umbi Lily, Umbi Lie" can compare to nothing else.
These little ones are my everything and I'm am blessed more than I deserve to have them in my stewardship.
My family
My girls (and a little personality)
My dad has made it for all four of my babies blessings.  That deserves a gold star!

My girls in white...


Herways Go West said...

Well this post was very inspiring and special. The pictures of your girls in white are awesome. Thanks for all the descriptions and feelings that you recorded, helped to make me feel like I was there. The momentous times in our lives. They come & go and since you recorded it so fabulously, it will always be remembered. Bien Fait!

Amy said...

I loved this post. I really felt like I was there too. And Rachie's spirit is so amazing. Cute girl. I love all the family pictures and think it is pretty special that Grandma Pett was there! Lily is adorable. Wish I could kiss her cheeks.

Ben + Brittany Trujillo said...

What a great day! Congrays rachie. BTW your hair lookes great Mel.

natalie said...

What a fabulous weekend. You got some great pictures. I'm glad you had help!

natalie said...

Oh I forgot to say, I had freezing water at my baptism too!

La said...

I am so grateful that we got to spend part of this special weekend with you guys. We love you all to pieces!

Herways Go West said...

I also have to say that Jake must have been in heaven: a blessing and a baptism on one week-end. Not too many dads get that kind of privilege all put together like that.

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