Thursday, October 31, 2013

Life with 4

Here are just a bunch of random pictures from the rest of September that I don't feel like putting in chronological order...which I'm just going to have to be okay with.
I went a little nuts with taking pictures of her sleeping, but I just love it :)

One morning
Goodbye pack-n-play, we're finally in a big girl bed.  It was only 10 minutes of crying and wandering around looking for her crib.

Little miss bright eyes in the middle of the night

We had some really rough nights there for a while where she would only sleep while being held.  Jake and I took shifts, which ended up being the only way we could get any sleep.  She was funny too in the fact that every time we tried turning off the lamp she would wake up.
All I want for Christmas...
This girl is a super light sleeper and the tooth fairy attempted 4 times and went through lots of anxiety to get her job done.

I find lots of pictures of Kate on my phone
Little trip out to the shore
Lily's first bath.  Rachie had to plug her ears...her little heart couldn't take it.

Look how little she was.  I think she's already double in size :(
Mornings are crazy trying to get kids fed, lunches made, hair done, everyone dressed with shoes on, backpacks ready to go.  It's a good day when I can fit a shower in.
Jake and my mom took the kids to a local farm one day while I took a much needed nap.
They got to collect eggs in the chicken coop some farm chores
and there was a school event that day where they highlighted school life in the "olden days"

Lily's such a doll :)

Tommy is doing his first season of soccer this fall and is loving it.  There are some kids that are pretty impressive and even though it's 3 on 3, he doesn't get a lot of contact with the ball.  We need to work on his speed :)  Eh, it'll come (or not) he's having fun and he knows his team "needs him"

Kate playing with her babies
Tommy's on 2 wheels!  I took a long time trying to convince him to do it.  He always complained he was too scared and would fake crash and give up lots, but once he decided to do it it didn't take long and now he is completely addicted!
Annual 5K race
Back to that same trip to the shore
I thought the kids would just wade their feet, if at all because the water was FREEZING.  That didn't stop them.  We didn't bring suits or a change of clothes.

Tea party time
Tummy time!  I honestly have not been very good at remembering to do it.  Sorry 4th child!
The little girlies 


Herways Go West said...

Fun collection of photos~ and when you have a newborn in the house it doubles the really your title could be 'life with 8'....

Herways Go West said...

Oh, and I love the wide eyes in the middle of the night...then the endless photos of coma like sleep in the middle of the day. Newborns!
And Katie with her line up of dolls, and that one just happens to be alive. Too funny.

La said...

I love this series of pictures because it's real life. You guys have an amazing, beautiful family. And you rock the 4 kid thing. Just sayin.

Heidi said...

love all the pictures but especially the last two of the "little girls". We referred to my sisters as "the little girls" growing up and still sometimes now too! 4 kids looks hard, but I'm sure you're doing a great job! Who needs to shower anyway? ;)

Heidi said...

love all the pictures but especially the last two of the "little girls". We referred to my sisters as "the little girls" growing up and still sometimes now too! 4 kids looks hard, but I'm sure you're doing a great job! Who needs to shower anyway? ;)

Amy said...

You look like you are doing awesome juggling it all. Although I'm sure there are days that you just feel tired! Little Lily is getting big already. Cutie. The line up of dolls is precious. Aren't the little girls so cute with the babies? And I love the toothless Rach.

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