Friday, January 2, 2015

Do a deer...

Lucky for us we had Anita as our tour guide.  Not only had she been to Salzburg recently but she made a photo book of all the scenes in the Sound of Music that we would see and could replicate.

Mirabell Gardens
So...a needle pulling thread

Love her.  Bathroom break photo op

Fa...a long long way to run

If you can see it...I love Kate's face.
I should have been prepared with a lock to put on the fence.  Supposedly you lock it on and throw the key into the river to symbol your unbreakable love.

Lunch at a local playground just across the bridge

Put me in coach

Such a trooper!
We wanted to do the tour of the concert hall.  We learned that it was two hours long.  Jake was asking the guy if we could just see the hall without having to do the tour, which they said no.  But then in walked Herman.  Jake was saying how nobody would enjoy the tour with bored kids.  Herman was super nice and said, “that’s not true” then offered to take us to see the hall.  How does he do it???  Amazing.  It was really nice of Herman.  It saved us money and a lot of time, of which we were very grateful.  He even gave us some historical facts, and took some pictures for us.'s a must

Our theory...if you bring umbrellas, it won't rain.  I love what Tommy did with it.

I have confidence

Visiting "the Abbey"

Maria?  She left without saying good bye.  Cute little tidbit:  Kate thought we were looking for Maria the whole day and when we started to go back to the car she was pretty upset that she hadn't seen her.

This is the church that the real Von Trapps were married in

The cemetery that inspired the Hollywood version.  I think "Max" is really buried here, but we couldn't find him.

Jake took Tommy through the catacombs

Of course...Tommy loved it

St. Gilgen

And, like I said, we begin and end each day with chocolate.  Kinder eggs became quite an obsession.
Fun fun day.  We had watched the movie a couple of times before our trip and I can't even count now how many times they've seen it.  A fast favorite!


Anna-Lisa said...

So cool Mel! A little jealous that you guys have a real valid excuse to take the whole family to Europe! It looks you all had tons of fun!

Amy said...

Oh my! I love it all. It looks so beautiful. Someday I'm going to have to hire you to be my tour guide when I make it out to Europe. I've got to get my kids watching this movie!

Herways Go West said...

Oh my gosh, this was fun to re-live through the photos. It has got to be a veritable heaven on earth that place! So lucky we found it and that apartment. We have to thank Natalie for the Sound of Music Tour that I just replicated. What great fun.

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