Tuesday, January 27, 2015


This girl was pretty easy to please.  Her birthday requests were Cinderella, cinnamon squares for breakfast, and pasta for dinner.  My favorite part of the day was how many different dresses and shirts she wore throughout the day.
We were watching our friend's little girl that day, which ended up working out well with the big kids back at school
I decided to invite her other friend over to make it a special birthday day

She was cute helping out her friends
Painting pumpkins...to become a golden carriage
Present time
Lots of princess stuff

Let it go!

Facts about my Fun, Fantastic, Fabulous Four year old:
·      She has a fun, beautiful head of curls, and we get lots of comments about them
·      And I love her light blue/gray eyes and dimple to go with it
·      Her smile can light up the room
·      She is my shyest girl, but at home she’s full of spunk.  She loves being silly and laughing.
·      She’s one tough cookie!  Not only did she handle her broken arm like a champ but I’m always amazed with how much she handles when her and Tommy are horsing around and wrestling...she loves it.
·      She loves Daddy’s funny monster game!
·      She love water, more than juice, soda, milk…and she needs it ALL the time
·      Her favorite snacks are probably “mola” bars
·      Loves dance class
·      Is great with imaginative play, whether it’s her doll house, princesses, cooking in her play kitchen…she can entertain herself a good long while.
·      She loves her siblings!  Almost too much with Lily sometimes
·      She enjoys coloring and is pretty good about trying to stay in the lines.  I love her little stick people and animals.
·      She loves Candyland!

·      Every night at bedtime she gives me a squeezy hug and a squeezy kiss


The Bawden's said...

Oh how I love that Kate Kate! She is a girl through and through. Give her a squeeze for me. Also, love the picture of Lily enjoying the cupcake. Ellia won't go near cake - I don't know what's wrong with her.

Amy said...

How fun! I thought it was fun to have a special party for Sophs without Jack around too. She loved having her girlfriends over. It is pretty amazing how similar our Cinderella cupcakes were! Crazy! I love all the princess dresses!

La said...

You are really great at celebrating your kids.
And that darling Sunny Kate is so fun! I wish we were closer because I want to be her BFF.

Herways Go West said...

Happy 4 year old! Can't be true, but I guess it is. She is full of spunk. Greatest 4 year old on the planet.

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