Thursday, January 29, 2015


On a few Saturday mornings in the fall I took Rachel to the mall down the street where they have free kid's cooking classes.  I can't remember where Jake was (actually, I'm pretty sure it was a bike ride ;) and managing these kiddos with lots of energy was a hopeless task.  Here they were pretending to be mannequins.
One Saturday we ventured into New York City to see this children's exhibit at that Public Library- The ABC of it: Why Children's Books Matter.  It was fabulous!  Here they are in the "great green room"

Max, the king of all wild things

Phantom Tollbooth (one of Rachel's favorite books)

The original Winnie the Pooh animals

Mary Poppins umbrella

We were also there for a birthday party at Bryant Park
A love the joy a carousel can bring

Unexpected downpour...good thinking Tommy
Every day Katelyn wanted to "playcation."  We would pack up, sit on the rug (car), go up the "moving" stairs and then color on the "airplane."  This girl was born to travel
Local library
Great way to get to the playground

We go to a story time on Fridays up on Princeton campus.  The library is really fun with a tree house you can climb up into.  The crafts they do at this story time blow me away...every time!  This lady is so creative!
Rachel takes really good care of this little one.

1 comment:

Herways Go West said...

Your library experiences are unbeatable. Crafts, and live stages...fabulous

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