Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What's your guess?

We find out today...


The Layman Family said...

can't wait to hear!!!!! you guys are just full of exciting news these days :) good for you

La said...

.... I am excited!!!! I think it is a girl. Because well, that has been our formula.

Herways Go West said...

Boy. He'll tie up the numbers.

Herways Go West said...

Did you ever tell us your due date???

Heidi said...

Seth would hope for a girl because he thinks the more people have girls, the greater his chances are for having a boy next. He really wants a boy next. (I'm not pregnant) But I say girl too, cuz that's just what I think!

Amy said...

I'm voting boy and can't wait to hear!

Herways Go West said...

This is Natalie. I think it's a boy. Noel doesn't like to say which gender he thinks it is because he doesn't want the child to think he wanted it to be something else.

Kristen said...

Holy Cow, you totally kept us out of the loop for a long time! I guess girl

Colie said...

So I checked the blog too late to make a guess. Therefore, I will guess "girl" because that's what is already posted on your blog! Woohoo!

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