Saturday, January 17, 2009

Jake's in China

Jake left on Tuesday for Shanghai. His first international residency for his MBA started today. He spent the first couple of days with Wachovia for it to classify as a "business" trip. One of his favorite experiences thus far has been the subway during rush hour...

Jake didn't take this video but he says this is really what it's like. Can you imagine? I would never do it in a million years.

Anyway, he'll be gone for about a week and a half. My mom is in town for most of it, which has been my saving grace! Rachel has a couple rough nights with the stomach bug and hives. We've also been able to talk to Daddy every night on the webcam which has been a lot of fun.


Mindy said...

That is crazy! I wonder how they breathe being packed in so tightly like that. Maybe you wouldn't want to breathe, being that close to so many people... :)
Sounds like you're holding the fort down well w/ him gone, Melanie. Hope the rest of the time he's gone goes quickly for you.

Herways Go West said...

I agree with Mindy. How do they breathe? And Jake did this and it was a favorite experience? Ok, maybe once. Would hate to attack that kind of commute every day. Everyone seemed pretty calm and routine about it all.
Glad you Mom is there to help. You all have a super time!

Kristen said...

That is so nice that Rach can still talk to Jake and see him at the same time! Oh and our name is Kamdyn. Carter and Ry just call her Kami.

Hope things are going well with you while Jake's gone. Live it up with your mom there!

La said...

Whoa! that is intense. We really need to get the webcam thing going because when Dan travels it can get sticky.

Anonymous said...

That makes me want to throw up, I have anxiety just watching that video.

natalie said...

That video is just out of control.
I hope Jake survives! I'm excited to hear about his experiences.

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