Monday, December 15, 2008

When it's colder inside than it is outside...

We hung out on the porch for 3 hours today as we tried to work with people from our home warranty and other "heating experts" who came to diagnose what was wrong with our HVAC unit that went out on Saturday. Our house was freezing and outside it was nearing 70 degrees. We've been staying at one of our neighbors the past couple nights. Rachel was really glad to have her books and toys back, since the older couple we stayed with didn't have any. It was fun to see her imagination stretch though. After a lot of grief and phone calls it was finally fixed this evening. Hallelujah. What a process! Our home warranty came up for expiration just a few weeks ago and we decided not to renew it. That's always how it works, doesn't it? Thank goodness for grace periods. Anyway, I've got cleaning, laundry and packing to do before we leave for Brussels on Wednesday, but I'm going to try really hard to post about our VERY eventful Saturday, which includes Rachel's dance recital, before we go.


Herways Go West said...

Glad you got the furnace fixed. I guess you opted not to get a new one? Thank goodness for your neighbors! What an ordeal to go through right before your trip. Yes! Hopefully you will have time to post Rach recital pictures. See you soon!

Maria said...

Rachel! You are so stinkin cute! You should wear those tights every day. I can't believe how grown-up you are. You are a great dancer, but we all knew that would happen given your genetics!

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