Monday, February 1, 2016


One of our favorite bakeries Sugar and Sunshine is closing so we had to take advantage of the world's best cinnamon roll one last time
 I could say this was the last time at our beloved library in Princeton.  But it's too good and we keep going back :)

 Me: "Tommy, why'd you put the tattoo on your head?" Tommy: "Because it's a hat!" Me: "Oh, of course, why didn't I think of that."
 Little miss trouble maker!  In a matter of days she has cut her hair, knocked her tooth almost out, and got fingernail polish all over her and our rocking chair.  Goodbye rocking chair.
 These picture make me really sentimental because I don't think we'll get this in Pennsylvania.  One of my favorite nights!  I just love the anticipation and excitement of it.

 Cookie exchange at school.
 Tommy's teacher emailed me one day to tell me Tommy was pretty sad about the move and asked if I could come in to be a mystery reader.  Brings me to tears every time I think about how much he loved his class and teacher this year.
 They don't get much better than Mrs. McGuirl.  He started feeling a little better when he learned that she lives in Pennsylvania too :)
 Both of them had an end of the year/winter party that both their teachers made them goodbye parties as well.  Bless their hearts!!
 Rachel is her comfort zone, being a proper lady and making everyone laugh
 Another amazing teacher, Ms. Arnold

 I was so very touched by this little goodbye surprise.  As hard as it has been for my kids (and for me!) I felt it was a blessing for them to feel singled out and so loved by their friends and classmates.  If they would have left at the end of the year everybody would be saying goodbye.

 And I really really really miss the diversity of this school district (even though it may have been good timing as the district is currently in turmoil as they are trying to restructure the intensity of the academics)
 Tommy always had a green card...he's such a good kid!
 Project done together

 No snow?  No problem.
 Gingerbread houses (done simply this year with leftover Halloween candy)
 Giving me that look as if to say "what are you going to do about this candy going into my mouth?"

 What would the season be without egg nog

 Christmas Eve we went ice skating.  Lily tried.

 Kate loved it!
 That afternoon I noticed something on the tree...blossoms?!?!  It has been an unusually warm winter thus far but I didn't know this was possible  Will they bloom again in the spring??
 Christmas Eve we spent with some of our ward family.  A Christmas dinner, puppet nativity program and gift exchange.

 Who's excited for Santa Claus?
 Ho ho ho, here are some cookies
 Santa's job was pretty simple this year (despite a last minute run to the mall when a package got delivered to the wrong house)


Herways Go West said...

The tattoo hat. Geez. Obvious.

Amy said...

I'm so touched by their teachers and classes too and I don't even know them. I'm sure it meant the world to them to have such a send off. And it really speaks to what great kids they are! Tommy and that tattoo is pretty priceless. Love all of you!

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