Monday, February 1, 2016


We had incredible fall weather and enjoyed lots of park days
We started looking for a house back in the spring, we were looking in areas all around us in New Jersey and then started zeroing in on Pennsylvania when we started comparing taxes.  We found a house that was perfect, put in a contract and that night I had extreme anxiety...we backed out.  We found another one and then the inspection turned out to be a nightmare.  We decided to give the hunt a rest through the summer and then picked it back up one day in the fall.  This was the second house we saw and jumped on it.  We brought the kids after all the inspections were done and everything was clear for launch.  Much to our surprise (since she had been resisting the idea of moving the most) Rachel loved it, and Tommy has had a hard time ever since.

Jake had meetings up in Massachusettes and we decided to join him since school was off for a couple of days.  We visited a nearby estate with our friends and just enjoyed the day.

 It had been a while since we did the Freedom Trail downtown.
One of the kids' favorite time of the year

 Being crazy one night...or isn't it every night?!
 Our good friends in the neighborhood invited us over for their Indian Diwali celebration.  It is a festival of lights.  I felt very honored.  The girls dressed in their beautiful Indian dresses and all the kids had a blast with the sparklers and flower bombs.
 The Cotsen "tree house" library does it again...with a tree house.  Always amazing!
 And a date with Kate :)


Herways Go West said...

How did Rachel get herself at the top of the doorframe? That is an amazing trick. Yes, I remember with kids every night being crazy indeed.

Amy said...

What a great fall! I continue to be a wee bit jealous of all your adventures. Such fun places to visit all around!

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