Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Tommy had a hard time deciding what to be this year.  It was going to be a robber, a lego, or a clown.  We went to the store and the shoes won him over.

The day of trick-or-treating at Daddy's work it was pouring buckets of rain, so they put buckets on their heads.

The line up
I was stumped on what to have Lily be for Halloween this year, so I decided to ask her...not expecting an answer but she told me "Fuffy" which means a dog.  So I went to the fabric store and put this costume together.

Coronation Day Anna

The clown

The minion
It was adorable to watch her tail wag behind her.

Tommy got lots of compliments on his shoes, and you could always hear him coming.

She didn't care much about the rest of the candy, as long as she could have her dun duns

At our church trunk-or-treat.  Rachel has invited Alai each year and she has come for the past 5 years.  They are the best of friends!


Pumpkin carving time.  My kids LOVE pumpkin seeds and they made sure to get every single one.
We have had an amazing fall this year, with wonderful warm weather.

Halloween night

I know I've already posted pictures of them in their costumes, but I just love their faces and poses.

We started our trick-or-treating all together, with a couple of Rachel's friends.  But Tommy soon fell behind because of his shoes.  I asked him several times if he wanted to take them off but he was determined to keep them on.  He was very proud of them, and he continued to get lots of compliments on them.  I thought Lily would tire out quickly but she could have gone all night, she was loving it.

Pit stop

A good loot this year.  We ended up keeping about 40 of our favorites and then it was Rachel's idea to donate the rest to the soldiers.  I'm so glad too, we had WAY too much!


natalie said...

I didn't realize you made Lily's costume. Great job!! Rachel looks SUPER adorable as a minion. I love Halloween. It's so fun to see all the kids in their costumes!

Amy said...

Tom and those shoes! That is so funny. I love his determination to stick out the trick or treating. It sure looks like you guys got a ton of candy. And the fact that you can just go to the fabric store and whip something up is really quite incredible!

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