Monday, November 16, 2015

So much to love about Fall

Labor day at the park.  Jake attracting crowds of kids.
Kate and I were both happy to start doing story time again at the Cotsen Library in Princeton.

One of Rachel's biggest fears of 5th grade.  She is adjusting well to it and it wasn't a big a deal as we both thought it would be (for different reasons)
We had plans to do our pirate adventure again and it wasn't until we were half way there that we realized we should call to make sure it was still running on weekends after Labor Day.  Oops!  We eventually found a plan B to go to the Cape May Zoo.
My absolute favorite day in Princeton!!  The Children's Book Festival.  100 authors and illustrators of children's books out in the library square.  We roam the isles, talk to them about their books, ask questions, do crafts, have them sign our books (I may even buy a few new books) is just SO fun to see the faces and personalities behind it all.  My kids think it is pretty cool too.  Definitely a tradition for us not to miss each year.

Rachel has read this with her 4th and 5th grade class.  A beautiful, meaningful story.

 Tommy loves these who would win books

 Author of Ella Enchanted

 Tracy West told us how she wrote 100s of Pokemon stories.  Tommy was really excited to meet her.  He has LOVED her Dragon Masters series.

 Birthday party for monkey
 Apple picking

 Red Bulls soccer game

Carnegie Center 5K (and fun run)
 He was pumped

 All the kids did great!  Even Kate ran most the way.  It was priceless watching them come running to the finish all smiles.

 Cheering on their dad
He was working toward a personal record and he made his best time ever.  After the race was over he was told he won 1st place in his age group.  A really fun surprise.  We were all so proud of him!

Jake trained with a friend who used to run competitively.
 Family bike ride around Duke Farms.  We couldn't believe how much we all liked it, it's definitely a place we want to come back and continue to explore.


The Bawden's said...

Well, I think I want to move to New Jersey. Is it just me, or is there really not that much to do in Utah? Even your library is better than any of ours. That book fair looks amazing. Maybe when I come visit, I'll plan it around that event. Congrats Jake on 1st place!

Amy said...

Such fun things! I love your kids love for reading. Such sweet faces as they meet all those authors. I can't believe Jake's 5K time! Pretty amazing!

Herways Go West said...

Jake #1 in so many ways. glad he was awarded for it. Book fair does look amazing. Wonder if any of your signed books will one day be worth a lot b/c the author becomes wildly famous? Oh and Jake giving all those kids the ride of their lives. I bet they were scared and loved it.

natalie said...

Congrats Jake! Your hard work pays off.
We have a similar book fair downtown but I haven't been since Bryn was a toddler. Oops. This inspired me to put it on my calendar for next year. I'm not sure we will have quite as many famous authors. Wow!!

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