Thursday, May 28, 2015


I'm always a little skeptical when Tommy reveals what kind of birthday he wants.  But they always end up being a lot of fun!  This year he wanted a snake birthday.  This subway sandwich was his idea.  I had a couple kids say, "where's the pizza?!"  Ha ha!  And then nearly half of them were vegetarian, which we did get...but I guess not enough.
We played a couple of snake games and I had a snake craft prepared but these boys were way too wild.  I also planned to play snake in the grass, but we ended up running out of time.
I came across the idea of having an expert bring in some snakes.  When I started to do some research I learned that their packages were pretty pricey.  I did some looking and asking around and found a great deal with this NJ snake man.  It was a surprise for Tommy and it was SO fun!!!
I for one am NOT a fan of snakes, but this was fascinating!!!!  I loved learning all the interesting facts about these animals.  I was even okay to touch a couple.  I can do scaly, not slimy, and as long as he was holding it :)
Tommy loved every second of it!
Rachel was having a great time as well
It was so cute to watch her take notes of all the interesting facts.
I was really proud of Kate for being so brave.  We had one or two boys at the party that did not like snakes and opted to play inside instead.
Handcuffed by the corn snakes

The big ones

The biggest one, a burmese python, was named banana peel.
Honestly, this birthday is going to be hard to beat.

A couple nights before I was trying to find a good way to frost the cake.  I saw ideas using candy but instead I came up with the idea of using the pushed dot technique that I learned in my cake decorating class and I was really happy the way it turned out.  And it actually didn't take very long at all.

The cake was literally devoured in seconds!
I was pretty exhausted afterwards.  I don't know what I was thinking when we made the list of boys to invite.  Every single one of them came and boy did they have a lot of energy.  Good thing Lily was such a good helper!
A good birthday at school
He requested spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.  I added fun snake breadsticks too :)
He was so anxious to get his transformers so he can play "civil war" with his friends at the bus stop
He's becoming quite the Star Wars fan too
The other item on his list was a remote control helicopter
A few months ago he asked me to make him a stuffed animal.  I told him I really didn't know how to do that, he then asked for a snake and I thought it sounded pretty simple.  It was!  Maybe $10 of materials and an hours worth of time.  He sleeps with it every night.

I was planning on left over cake, so I had to make a few cupcakes on Monday, his actual birthday.

Transformers, more than meets the eye, Transformers, robots in disguise.  My kids were amazed I knew anything about Transformers.  Thanks to my brother!
As we were cleaning up after the party Rachel headed out with her friend to the pet store and bought Tommy a pet frog for his birthday (despite our no pet rule).  She used her own money and made up his habitat and everything.  They've enjoyed watching him jump around and eat crickets...we'll see how long he lasts.  I hate crickets!
Meet Peter the frog.
A successful birthday!  Now I can take a rest till fall.


Ben + Brittany Trujillo said...

What a fun birthday! You never stop amazing me! Love that you even made the cupcakes look like snakes. And that stuffed snake is awesome. Lucky boy. That is great that Rachel bought him a frog, what a great sister!

Ben + Brittany Trujillo said...
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The Bawden's said...

I'm exhausted just reading about the birthday party! You are birthday party planner extraordinaire! You'll have to teach me the art of throwing birthday parties and sewing.

Amy said...

Wow! That is all so so fun. I am amazed that you even thought more than 2 seconds about sewing him that snake. I would have totally been buying something. Good for you! And what a sweet sweet sister! Love that Rach! Hope they know how lucky they are to have such a fun mom and dad! And I would have had nothing to do with those snakes! AHHH!

Herways Go West said...

You are a professional birthday party giver. The snake cake is amazing. Bringing in a real snake guy. Amazing again. Then making a snake. You put the rest of us to shame!

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