Thursday, October 31, 2013

First Day of School

The night before...
One thing I remember as a child was how nervous I always was before the first day of school.  I remember not being able to sleep and tossing and turning with butterflies in my stomach.  Rachel doesn't ever seem to be nervous.  She was giddy "as a school girl."  She had her backpack ready and her outfit picked out 3 days before.  Tommy on the other hand, didn't hide the fact that he was nervous.  He told us he was nervous countless times.  Rachel was great in trying to ease his worries and get him excited, telling him how Kindergarten is the "fun" year.
 A 3rd grader and a Kindergartener...I seriously can't believe it!
 Off to the bus stop
 I could have put Kate in the preschool I did with Tommy last year but I didn't even really consider it for more than a second.  I didn't want to deal with getting the kids in and out of the car and the rush hour traffic every day, especially with a newborn.  And all the other preschools are too expensive.  So I am enjoying having her around for one more year and saving $300+ a month.
 So cute!
 I was doing good until the bus drove away and I turned around to see this face.  Then I lost it!  Seriously BROKE MY HEART.

 Tommy is only in school for half day (2 1/2 hours actually).  At first I thought it would be a good transition for him, but now I really wish it was full day.  He's loving it and doing a lot better than I expected.

This is how we go to the bus stop
 This girl LOVES school!  She has an incredible teacher this year who is challenging them well, but is so sweet and fun too.
I'm grateful she's still our little girl and gives us lots of hugs and kisses.  I'm sure the day isn't too far away when that is just not cool.


Herways Go West said...

I love it that Jake was there too. Kate will miss her siblings! Such a sweet sad face. Oh, and I still get lots of good hugs from my girls....never fear!

La said...

The 1st day of school always brings lots of conflicting emotions for me. It is kinda rough. I love these pictures because it is so GREEN and beautiful! And those darling kids, of course!

Amy said...

Oh Kate that breaks my heart too! Cute girl. Good thing she has another little pal at home. I'm glad the kids are doing well in school. I remember 3rd grade so it seems crazy that Rachie could be old enough for that!

Heidi said...

Kate's face! It IS heartbreaking!

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