Sunday, February 3, 2013


I feel somewhat rejuvenated now that we've made it through the most dreadful month of the year.  Here's a couple of pictures I've managed to take.

On January 6 we pulled together a last minute celebration.  We have some neighbors who are from Spain and they celebrate 3 Kings Day (I think that's what they call it) and Jake has a couple memories of celebrating it when he was a kid.  We basically found a cake mix in the cupboard, baked it with a small toy inside and then whoever got the slice of cake with the toy was crowned king for the night and could do whatever he/she wanted.  Tommy was the lucky winner and he had some pretty crazy/funny requests.  I think we'll do it again next year.  It was nice to have a reason to celebrate something in January.

 I don't think I've mentioned it before but Tommy has started preschool.  He's been doing it for a few months now.  It's a program with one of the nearby high school's (then again, I say close but it can easily take me 20 minutes to get home because of traffic).  It is everyday for two hours, which I do not love because of all the driving and how quick it is.  But, the price is right.  For the first little while it was hard getting Tommy motivated to go (he's quite a homebody) but he has started to make some friends and he's enjoying it more and more everyday.
 Kate and some ping pong
 playing kitchen
 and she has discovered the Cinderella dress and we're both loving it.


La said...

I LOVE the updates. Your kids are looking like grown ups. And you and Jake never age. You are a talented bunch. I am so looking forward to hanging out this spring.

Ben + Brittany Trujillo said...

I remember doing that in Mexico as well. But it was a bigger wreath shaped bunt cake, and whoever found the little plastic doll inside was the lucky winner. I never did get it :(

Herways Go West said...

Yes, my question is how did the ones who didn't get the prize react? Did they take it well? That's the hard part. What if Tommy gets it every year??? I'm just kidding....
He makes an awesome king. We never did the cake...the kids also come door to door singing songs and wanting a few small coins (same idea as Halloween only money....much smarter!!! moms coming behind and throwing away all their hard work)

Amy said...

That is such cute idea! I love Kate as Cinderella. Sophs is all about the princesses right now and it is pretty cute. Kate's hair looks like it is growing more! She looks so grown up.

natalie said...

Hey! 3 kings day is a big deal in Mexico too. Such a good idea to bake your own cake. (the mexican one is gross, but the belgian one is yummy but of course I can only find the mexican one here.)

The Bawden's said...

Wasn't it just yesterday that Rachel was parading around in that Cinderella dress. Where does time go? Kate makes a very cute princess. I love Tommy and his fun personality, I bet he did have some funny requests. Always got to find something to get through the month of January. Luckily for our little family 2 of the 3 birthdays are in January.

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