Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tribute to Kitty

After all, she was my cat.  A couple weeks ago Kitty passed away.  I'm not exactly sure old she was.  Some of these pictures were taken in 1994 and she was grown up.  So I'm thinking we've easily had her for 20 years.  Who ever made up the fact that cats have 9 lives?  Kitty had like 90!  Out of curiosity I just calculated how old she was in cat years...97!  And she didn't even die of old age!!

I was the typical kid who begged her parents for a pet and promised to take care of it.  I first got a bunny, and he only lasted for like a day.  Somehow, despite my dad's dislike in felines, I was convincing enough to get a cat.  Maybe they felt sorry about the bunny.  Her name was Kitty because I never could decide on a name.  It's true that I did not take care of her like I should.  But I do remember scooping lots of poop, scrubbing the litter basket, and occasionally filling her bowls with food and water.  The reason she lived so long, was not because of me.
Kitty had a million litters.  It seemed like for 8 years she was constantly pregnant!  One year she even had babies in our minivan.  That was kind of funny...and gross. 
 The kittens were always so cute and so fun to play with.
One time Kitty ate my birthday cake
Even though she was an "outside" cat, she managed to make it inside a lot and would be found in places like this and under beds.
We made fun of Kitty lots, especially when she would shed and get these nasty big chunks of fur on her.  But, I was sad when I learned she was gone.  I feel like she is a family icon!!  She has been with us for so long.  So Mom, this blog post is for you...thanks for all the love and caring you did for Kitty.


Maria said...

What I love about this post is seeing vintage Melanie! I totally see Rachel in that birthday picture.

Rest in peace Kitty.

The Bawden's said...

Oh Kits, may you rest in peace. I think my favorite thing about Kitty was all those cute kittens we got to play with, and who could forget Figgy? I loved the first time I took Bode (the boy I nannied) over to the house and he asked what our cat's name was. I said "Kitty", he said "No, what's her name?" and that conversation went on for another 5 minutes... a real original name. She also loved to sleep under my bed. Sometimes, unknown to me that she was under there, I would jump on the bed; she scared me as she ran out. Another time, I was asleep and I could feel sometime tickling my face. I woke up, opened my eyes, and there Kitty was, right in front of my face...scared me half to death. Here's to you Kitty!

Herways Go West said...

I ditto Maria! I didn't even know Kitty was part of your life. Thanks for sharing.

Amy said...

I never knew that Kitty was every held in a loving way until this post. This was a good tribute!

Colie said...

So great to see these old pictures, Mel. Sounds like Kitty was quite the playmate. :)

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