Saturday, June 9, 2012


A couple weeks ago my mom came into town and I have a slew of posts coming up from all of our fun adventures.  First thing we did was go into the city to see Newsies on Broadway.  It was FABULOUS and I loved every second of it!!!  I almost cried with nostalgia of my childhood as they began their opening number.  Rachel really enjoyed it and followed it really well.  She thought the spitting hand shakes was pretty funny.
I had read on the website that we could meet and get autographs from the cast members after the show.  Can you do this with all Broadways?  I have no idea.  But I thought it would be fun.  
"Jack" did an amazing job!
 "Les" He's 10 years old and super cute don't you think?
 "Crutchie" or Crunchie as Rachel calls him, was easily her favorite character.
 Evan from SYTYCD
It's been two weeks and the songs are still stuck in my head.  I love it!


La said...

AAAAAAAHHHH!!! I am so dang jealous!!! One day my sister and I were home sick from school and we watched Newsies four times in a row. My kids love the movie. Needless to say, I am desperate to see the musical.

Anonymous said...

I loved that movie when I was young! So jealous. Hope you are doing well. You guys still coming to Charlotte this summer?

Amy said...

Looks so fun! I love Broadway. How fun that Rachie is old enough to enjoy a Broadway play.

Anna-Lisa said...

How fun!! I totally had a crush on Christian Bale Newsies style! Well, maybe Swing Kids style too - I'm jealous, that sounds like a great time - now Kari and I will be singing Santa Fe for a while!

natalie said...

FUN! I really want to go to new york and see a show with you.

Herways Go West said...

You got to meet the stars back stage. WOW. Good job.
Looks like lots of fun.

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