Saturday, June 16, 2012

At the Farm

Tommy has become a real fan of play dates recently.  He loves having friends over, going to friend's houses...he asks me if we can do a play date every day.  Sadly it doesn't happen nearly as often as he'd like.  There aren't any kids his age in our neighborhood so it's good for him.  A few weeks ago we met one of his karate friends at the farm to pick some strawberries.

I have been so anxious for strawberry picking.  Not just for the incredibly delicious strawberries but also because it means the beginning of all the summer fruits.  By the end of winter I get kind of tired of apples, bananas, and oranges.  This summer I'm doing a farm share thing.  I pick up a box packed full of fresh fruits and vegetables every Saturday and I'm loving it!  We've been able to try things we don't typically eat like leeks and radishes, and I have more lettuce than I know what to do with.

Tommy was real serious about his picking and busy with his friend so I mostly got pictures of Kate

I'm happy to report we didn't lose any

Katelyn laughed when she saw this strawberry

 When Rachel learned we went strawberry picking while she was at school she was very upset.  So we went again on a day she had off of school.

We went again today because it was the beginning of cherry picking.  When we got there we saw a sign that read, "cherry picking season over."  I thought I must have read something wrong, but we learned that cherry picking season didn't last more than a day...the sour cherries didn't even last an hour.


La said...

What darling pictures of Kate. She has changed so, so much since we last saw her. What a doll face.

Amy said...

I love the picture of all the kids on the swing! Their sweaty faces and red cheeks make it really seem like summer. So cute! Sorry about the cherries! They are my absolute favorite summer fruit!

Herways Go West said...

Man, sorry you missed the cherries. What a bummer. Glad you got strawberries! So what to do with all the lettuce? Get a bunny maybe?

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