Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer fun

Just some random pictures from last monthGood buddies! (Although we do have our good share of fighting. Kinda driving me nuts!)

Waiting for the bus after church
Daytrip to the beach

Heading to the Staten Island Yankee baseball game for "Group Day" with Daddy's work group.

Zucchini muffins (fun picture taken by Rachel)Kate has gotten to the point where she is not as content just sitting in the stroller like she used to. She's all part of the action now when we go to the playground

Most days we're in our pjs till almost lunch time


Herways Go West said...

Wow. Rach has some real skills as a photographer! The reflection in the toaster is awesome!
Love that Kate won't be left out of the action!

Amy said...

So cute! All of it. Seriously...Rachie's photo skills! So great.

Ben + Brittany Trujillo said...

Oh I love summer days. Miss those kiddos!

La said...

I love Kate in her cute swimming suit.

Colie said...

I love the coloring in that last shot of Kate & Tommy!

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