A tractor we found at the end of the farmer's field behind Jake's house.
Our flight home was loooong. It started with the flight being delayed 2 hours, which caused us to miss our connecting flight and we barely missed the next flight out. Once again we watched a plane pull away from the gate. Luckily there was one left at 6:30pm (which was 12:30AM Brussels time). The kids hadn't slept a wink, but oddly enough we had no major meltdowns. It was actually quite interesting to watch them get their 4th and 5th winds. They were still running around with a ton of energy. We make it on the plane and the pilot says, "We're in line for take off and it looks like we're number...(long pause)...25. I kept waiting for him to chuckle. But at least the kids had just fallen asleep on the taxi out.
It's good to be back in Charlotte. It's SO green!!! We went outside to play on the swing set at noon and we were completely in the shade. Although we were up at 4:45 this morning I think we're over the worst of jet lag. It's always harder coming this way. And once again it has been interesting how much energy they have. When Rachel was really young I gave her Benedryl for a rash. For most kids it makes them drowsy, for Rachel it made her hyperactive. Well, sleep deprivation has the same effect.
We're now back to reality...selling the house, finding a place to live, etc. I'm trying to enjoy the last of it here as well.