Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dear Sister (a post from Tommy)

I often am faced to put up with high pitched squeals and screams, being woken up from my naps, dragged along to sit through dance classes and girl story times, rough play, and occasional neglect. Mommy and Daddy try and give me boy toys to play with
and I end up playing with princesses instead
but you're good at sharing, especially when I'm sad
you never complain when I come along
and your willing to try my way of doing things
plus, no one can make me laugh quite like you
your my best friend
thanks for being such a good big sister


Anonymous said...

That was precious.

Herways Go West said...

Really clever Mel. Good way to portray how it really, really is! Siblings. What a unique relationship.

Maria said...

Tommy, I feel your pain. Andrew is always jumping on me, taking my toys away, and waking me up. I only have trucks and tools to play with--I wish there were some princesses around here. But Andrew always makes me laugh too and in the car when I am crying he always holds my hand and says, "Don't be sad, Emmy girl." I guess siblings are pretty good in the end. Love, Emmy

Amber said...

Too cute!!

La said...

That is a priceless letter. Love it.

natalie said...

Very cute idea. All the pics were great! I can't wait til bryn and isabel can start interacting more. Right now it's mostly bryn kissing her all over and saying, "Oh Isa!" and Isabel occasionally smiling at her.

The Duckworth Family said...

That's so stinkin cute!

Heidi said...

That was so cute. They make a darling brother/sister pair. I'm glad Rachie is so much nicer to Tommy than I was to my brother.

Kristen said...

Oh Mel, love it. I remember making my brother do all sorts of girly things too. Good times

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