I've been making homemade baby food this time around. I'm amazed how easy it is. I baked two sweet potatoes, put the puree in an ice cube tray in the freezer and now I have sweet potatoes to last me months...especially at the rate we're going. Rachel used to eat 5 jars a day and it came to about $100 a month extra in my grocery bill. So it's saving me a lot of money too, if he starts eating better. The best part is that Rachel likes it and finishes all of Tommy's leftovers. I love that nothing goes to waste (except for the rice cereal).
Last night after another pear refusal I told Jake to just put some of it on his high chair for him to play with. After mashing it around for a while and eating the bowl he finally opened up for a bite! And finished what was left! You should have seen me cheering him on, I was so excited. Although we had a breakthrough it's not over yet, and if anyone has been through this before and has any advice, I'm all ears. Rachel ate a full jar of peas for her first meal, and never turned anything away, so this is all new to me.
Sorry I don't have any tips. My kids have always eaten well. I can imagine that it can be stressful when you are worried if your baby is getting enough food. Sad. :( I hope you guys get it figured out soon. The good news is that you guys have way super cute kids.
Sorry, but this made me laugh out loud! Rachel's "ummmm" and her big eyes! Remember she would hear paper rustle and she knew it was food and even if she was full we got a 'me,me,me!' Well, Tommy won't starve. I guarantee. Isn't it survival instinct or something? Maybe he is waiting for a good juicy steak or something! Or maybe Belgian chocolate.
Both of my boys did not like smooth textured foods. Instead of pureeing (sp?) his food, try giving him soft chunks. Rowan in particular was much happier at meal time when I put his food on his tray and let him eat it himself (Rowan would squak at me because I wasn't feeding him fast enough). Maybe Tommy is an independent little guy who wants to feed himself. :) Good luck!
Oh, the eating. Emmy has given up completely on baby foods and will not eat anything off a spoon. She will also not pick up anything that is slimy--like avacado, banana, peaches. So yeah, that limits what she can eat. Good luck! Kids are so funny but they seem to grow anyhow--good thing Tommy is still getting all that Mommy milk, right?
Hmm, I just don't know what to say. Of course you know me, I cry at the thought of eating a pickle!
We love the video of Rachel enjoying Tommy's dinner! She must have really loved that stuff--she was scraping that bowl as if it were ice cream!
Oh I love that first picture of Tommy. He just looks so frustrated with you. "I've told you a million times mom. I don't LIKE this stuff!"
I hate to scare you, but my 11 month old niece still hardly eats anything but breast milk!
I love the picture at the top. He looks like one determined boy. And if we meet in UT before we meet out here I'll consider myself pathetic.
Plus there's a great kids recipe book by Jessica Seinfeld. I don't own it yet but I've given it away numerous times. I hope to get it soon, anyhow her way of doing things sounds great.
you have the cutest freakin kids! i miss you guys!!!!!!
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