Friday, October 31, 2008


Andrew was a little shy at first but it didn't take long for them to warm up together. Andrew is such a good kid, and Rachel and him play SO good together. I can only remember 2 arguments. Other than that they were "please" "thank you" "your welcome." They entertained themselves really well and were often found playing hide and go seek, scaring monsters and ghostses out of the bathroom, chasing each other, sharing, reading together, helping each other do puzzles, etc. It gave me and Maria a nice break, and they were so fun to watch. We secretly hope they get married someday and if Rachel sees these videos when she's a teenager, I know she'll get embarassed and say "ah Mom" but for now I'm going to keep having fun with it :)


Maria said...

I love it! I was laughing hysterically at Rachel licking Andrew's fingers--I didn't see that when it happened. It was so great having you here and now Andrew keeps wondering when Rachel is coming back on a plane. Hopefully we will come to your place soon!

La said...

Darling. Seriously. DARLING.

Richard G said...

I would have to agree with Maria, the licking fingers part was the best. Great to hear you all had a wonderful time. Boston is great place. I'm going to get there on of these Aprils, to do some running.

Herways Go West said...

This footage I watched a couple of times. What struck me is that they laugh and laugh and then run and run just like they did when they were younger. How cute that Andrew was so shy at first. Must have shocked his system to the max! Friends forever, those two....

Eryn said...

I was laughing out loud when Rachel licked his fingers. Cute kids. Hey, I thought you wished Rachel would marry Grant. jk.

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