Friday, March 4, 2016

February Fun

 This winter has been really great.  We had one big storm and the rest of just been an inch or two.  Enough to build a snowman but not too much to have to shovel, because it usually melts by afternoon.

Tommy in his second session of wrestling.  Jake as an assistant coach.  He really enjoyed it and I had the pleasure of watching his end of the season match and although I don't know much about wrestling, it looks like he really learned a lot.
We had a housewarming party for all our New Jersey friends to see our new house and also to see that we're not too far away.  There are definitely some friendships we don't want to lose.

 Tommy became quite obsessed with the Carolina Panthers.  He has always been a fan, since he was born in Charlotte, but this year he was pretty pumped that they made their way to the Super Bowl.  It was super fun to to feel his excitement but it also made it super heartbreaking when they lost.
 Another little addition of snow

 I have probably deprived my kids of science fairs, because I don't really have the heart to really get involved with it. But this year with Rachel and Tommy in the same school again I figured we would take advantage of it.  It was their idea to be partners.  I checked out a book at the library for ideas and they took off from there.
 It was super loud, crowded and crazy and I remember why I don't love these things, but the kids had a blast.

Inside a bubble

 Rachel requested a Valentine's hair do
 Cotton Library story time
 Made a dream pie and baked it :)

 We planned to go skiing on a day we had off of school but it ended up getting washed out with a big rainstorm so we decided to take advantage of our new annual pass to the aquarium.  I took the kids a few years ago, but they really didn't remember much.  Made me realize I should start recycling a lot of the things we've done.
 They were MESMERIZED and giddy about the hippos.
 The shark tunnel
 Petting the sting rays
 Picture me Mommy
 Tommy was running around everywhere and jumping and saying, "this place is AWESOME!"

 Spring fever has definitely set in.  We have had 2 or 3 days of fabulous weather and we want more!!
 Nightly scripture time...we try.
 A day at the farm
 Every year we somehow miss the sap flowing from the trees.  So I was very excited to finally see the actual collecting and making of maple syrup.

 Tommy was very eager to help out with the "farm chores" of chopping wood for the stove to boil the sap.

 Drip drip


Herways Go West said...

I can't stop laughing about your family scrip study. Keep trying. They learn more than you know but this has to be a classic. And nice to keep up with your Princeton friends. Bravo.

Ben + Brittany Trujillo said...

Looks like a great time, Wow, that Hippo is massive! Nice Basketball Hoop BTW.

natalie said...

I love so many things in that post. I'm glad you got that pic of jake & tommy wrestling. They'll treasure that when they're older. I want more pictures of your house if you are done decorating, etc.

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