Sunday, May 15, 2016

Warm Pie and Eggs

We got an early start to spring this year, which I'm not sure if I like it that way.  I feel we have been teased with warm weather too many times.  It keeps getting really cold again.

Enjoying the local playground
She shows how it good
There's something about the morning air that feels good too.
Jake's annual NJ Bike Tours Pi Day ride we had good weather and he had a great turn out.
My kids LOVE this "holiday"

Their favorite part...

We had another Pi day potluck and I love how creative people are (Pi breadsticks)
I was VERY sick for St. Patrick's Day...looks like they still got a visit from the Leprechaun 
Over spring break we went to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, they have a fun exhibit right now The Science behind Pixar

We are really looking forward to the open house and dedication of the Philadelphia temple this summer!
Katelyn just playing in the front yard.  She isn't doing t-ball, in fact we aren't doing any spring sports this year (which has actually been really nice)
We went to visit the baby lambs at the farm

And collected some freshly laid eggs.

And eating our farm fresh egg...pretty awesome.

Last year Jake took the big kids to see the sunrise on Easter morning.  They had a great experience doing that and asked if we could do it again.  Unfortunately it was a little too cloudy this year.
But Kate it still inspired Kate to meditate.
Bubble gun

Jake bought these shoes for Lily, not knowing she had a blue Easter dress.  She loves them and wears them everyday!

Tradition: He is Risen Rolls
Hunt time


Herways Go West said...

You guys make great nerds. And I LOVE the blue Easter shoes. In fact, all those Easter photos are great.

Amy said...

Such a fun Easter you had! That is really great about Lily's shoes! And I love that Pi Day is such a big thing for you guys. So fun!

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