Thursday, April 23, 2015


Rachel got me on April Fools Day, saying she had SO much homework and that her agenda was full!  I started freaking out because our Wednesdays are crazy with piano and Activity Days.  The sad part about it was how believable it was, because I am often surprised at the workload that is put on these 4th graders.  I swear her backpack is at least 50 pounds!  Anyway, she got me good.
Oops, Mommy forgot to take note that dance class was cancelled for Spring Break (the big kids had a snow day make up).  Plan B- donuts and the playground!

Oh it feels good to get dirty again!
Tommy protecting his sisters
She thinks she can
Easter morning Jake had the idea to wake the kids up to watch the sunrise.  I really wanted to go to but was fighting a cold.  The kids really enjoyed it and I think it made for a memorable Easter!  

"He is Risen" rolls for breakfast
Baskets (thank you dollar store!)
Some friends in our ward had us over for an egg hunt and brunch
It didn't take long for Lily to figure it out
The littles table
On your mark...Grandma came in town for spring break and she did her famous egg hunt.  She puts money inside the eggs with a special "golden" egg that has a $20 bill.
 So fun!

 Adults were game too.  I think this series of pictures is pretty funny

 Cheering us on :)

Tommy found it

Victory dance!
 I only ended up with $2.  Everyone else did far better.  All my plastic eggs were candy!
 What's all this?


 And we almost forgot dying eggs.  Busy day...too much fun ;)
Grandma took us to see Cinderella.  Check out these recliners...not a bad way to watch a movie.  They even lay all the way back.


natalie said...

Oh my gosh! Jacob Herway!! Do not push your wife!!!!! :)

Herways Go West said...

Dang, I want to be in the Easter egg hunt next time, $20??? And yes, Jake! Poor Mel!!!

Herways Go West said...

oh yes, and Rach getting you with 'too much homework' that would have gotten me too. She does have too much!

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