Thursday, March 12, 2015


They get creative when stuck indoors
Selfie with my glasses
Rachel had her first orchestra performance.  I was impressed with how well they played together for only meeting once a week and only really playing for a few months.
 She got to introduce the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
 Tommy got a new bike with his Christmas money.  $10 at the bike exchange.
 Kate's craft from the "tree house library"
 Preschool at crafts don't compare :)
Ice skating
 Chuck E Cheese on President's Day

 Movie night!
 Funny faces
 The nightly cleanup
 Great moments
 These kids are doubling our food budget.  I can't keep them satiated.
 Another library craft.  Serisously?!  This place is amazing!!  This carousel even spins
 First of many snow days

 Okay Lily, we'll get you outside
Her first exposure to snow

 He's leaning and Jake and I made a great rescue attempt.  3 months later he is still melting away outside.
 Playing with the new Color Alive
 Rachel and her friend made dinner
 Jake and Tommy spent Christmas break building and painting this race car track.  Pretty impressive and loads of fun.
 Tommy's fortress.  He loves to play here everyday
 Snow angel
 Fitting shirt for this winter

 Roasting marshmallows
 Dance class day...throw back to the 80s
 I took my girls to see Disney on Ice.  Great show!!  We all loved it.

 And Grandpa in town=trips to Trader Joes :)
 And that's our February...I'm almost all caught up!! :)


The Bawden's said...

I don't even think Ellia really knows what snow is yet. All that snow reminds me of when we were kids and when the snow plow actually plowed the circle and created those big mountains of snow.

La said...

Wow! you guys got all our snow this year! I am jealous of all that snow.... Your kids are getting so big!

natalie said...

Love the pic of Lily's first time in the snow. Fun to see Rachel with her violin. I hope Bryn sticks with it. They meet twice a week BEFORE school, so she leaves the house at 6:45am. Ugh. And Noel is gone a lot so I have to ask my father in law to drive her. So we'll see how it all works out!

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