Thursday, September 11, 2014

Grandpa visits

With Grandpa's new job he has training and meetings here on the east coast, in DC and Boston.  So we had the pleasure of his company on a couple of weekends this summer.  They are short visits but we sure know how to pack it in...especially the treats.  We made two stops to the ice cream shop.  Why not?!  Our favorite flavors this summer were basil and sweet corn...sounds crazy, but they were amazing
This is when Lily got introduced to ice cream, and there was no turning back.  She is quite a fan and it is the secret to getting past her separation anxiety.

 We went to one of our favorite farms to go blueberry picking.  It was hot!  And blueberry picking can be slow going.  The kids tired out quickly, but the thought of blueberry buckle, pie, icecream and crisp had me going strong.

 They're so beautiful aren't they?

 They didn't seem to notice the heat as they were playing

 After the farm we went to a horse jumping show.  Jake had seen this free event over the past several weekends on his bike rides.  He put it on his to do list early in the summer and we finally got around to doing it.  I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.  It was really cool! 
The kids got to use some of their money to buy a treat.

These animal are just incredible!
Babies are too :)

 Sunday afternoon chillin
 For those of you who don't know...her favorite color right now is red
 I signed up Rachel for summer softball.  It was advertised being very casual and low key and just for fun.  But when Rachel showed up, all the other girls brought all their fancy gear (special bags for their own bats, field masks, etc) and she felt really out of place.  She didn't know all the rules of the game either and everyone else seemed like they had been playing since they were 3.  The parents killed me too as they watched and critiqued and made an excuse for every wrong move their child made.  We stuck it out, borrowed some equipment, and Rachel seemed to learn a lot from her experience and enjoyed it...but I don't think it's for either of us.  It has brought me to some deep thinking and questioning about activities for kids. 
 My dad had training in Boston so we planned to meet him the following weekend in Cape Cod.  During the week we decided to pay our friends a visit.  We spent a fun day at the Providence zoo.
 We enjoyed seeing the kangaroos up close and personal.
 What a girl's got to do to get some beauty rest


La said...

I have taken notes on how to win Lily over. :)
I think you guys live in such a cool area. The best big city in the world within a short train ride and amazing farms within a short drive!
I am sorry that softball didn't workout for Rach. That is what I played growing up and LOVED it! But I have never even heard of a field mask? What the heck is that? Kids activities are so tricky and it's hard to find the right thing. We have definitely been to many things where we were totally out of our league. Luckily, rec sports in UT are very low key. So, this was a long comment. I probably should have just called you. hahaha. ... well, miss you guys!

Amy said...

Blueberry picking sounds fun! Glad you were able to have fun with Grandpa. So sorry about the softball. But I'm proud of Rach for sticking it out. I don't think I would have been so confident at her age. Love seeing more cute pictures of Lily.

Herways Go West said...

Red is still Kate's fav color. And it looks great on her. Loved her red shoes when she was here. Yep, gotta find a sport/recreation where they aren't already training for the olympics. hard to find!

natalie said...

I want to go to boston and cape cod, etc. etc. How fun that your dad is able to visit you guys so often!
I like the pic of Kate with all her red stuff. Red was my favorite for a long time! It's a good color. :)

The Bawden's said...

You guys sure know how to pack in fun. I wonder if the East coast just has more things to do or that I don't look hard enough.

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