Saturday, August 30, 2014


My kids did some sporadic swimming lessons this summer.  In the end, I kind of regret it.  I chose to find a private teacher who could come to our pool.  Seemed like a good way to do it, so we don't have to pay extra membership fees for a gym or pool when we already have one.  My kids are decent swimmers in the fact that they can stay afloat and get from one end of the pool to the other.  All I wanted was for them to learn good freestyle technique.  After all is said and done, I don't feel like they are much better...especially for how much it cost me.  Activities out here cost an arm and a leg.  It really wasn't worth it.  I guess we'll call it a "sunk" cost :)
 Lily's got it covered
 I planned on putting Kate in lessons as well, so I guess the broken arm was a little blessing.  She continues to be comfortable and independent in the water, we sure love her floaty.

 For the Fourth of July I researched high and low for a firework show on the fourth.  There weren't many options.  I guess what happens here is that "everyone" heads to the shore for the break and so they do the local firework shows a few days before.  As we piled into the car it started to rain and it was an impressive rainstorm.  All the security officers were still out and told us it would happen rain or shine.  So we found a parking spot nearby and enjoyed an amazing lightning storm, as well as some fireflies, and we wondered if it really was going to happen.  It did after all and the firework show was a really good one.  The best part was no crowds and the 5 minute drive home!

 I really wanted to do something festive on the fourth and so I did find this museum in Princeton, which used to be the home of Richard Stockton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  They put on a free celebration and had several demonstrations and hands on activities of colonial life.  It ended up being a little rainy and very cold, but we still had a good time.
They are signing the Declaration
Homemade ice cream
Potpourri bags, I forget what they're called

 Making yarn

 Daddy and Tommy went missing for a while and this is what they were up to.
Pretty impressive, and boy did he love it
We had lunch with some friends and then a quiet evening at home and then to bed on time.  Not too bad.

My four on the Fourth

Oh, and of course we had to pull out the cotton candy machine

 That Saturday we went on a fun day trip to the Wild West City, about an hour north of here.
 They had several horse racing, gun shooting bandit shows that the kids loved.  They didn't mind that they couldn't hear what they were saying over the terribly staticy stereo system.

 Some Indian dancing too

 Tommy was in his element.  He LOVED this place!
 In the old school house
 Tommy got a gun :) 
 And a fabulous finish to the weekend with our tradition of blueberry crisp...our all time favorite dessert!


Herways Go West said...

I must say you win the top prize for taking advantage of the 4th of July to celebrate in the coolest ways! Cotton candy machine no less? Amazing.

La said...

I know how you LOVE the 4th! You are such a great mom and always find cool, unique ways to celebrate. And I think we need to sign up for the "traditional" blueberry cobbler. That's one of my all time favs. YUM!

Amy said...

So fun! I love Tommy's pirate face. How great. We love the 4th of July too. Glad you were able to make the most of it. It must be pretty awesome to be so close to all of our nation's history!

natalie said...

That is too bad the private swim coach didn't work out. Come visit us in the summer and take lessons with our girl! Isa went from doggy paddle to swimming 4 different strokes and floating on her back in just 4 lessons!
Love the pictures of your 4 on the 4th. And of you and lily.
Can I have your recipe for blueberry crisp?

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