Monday, August 4, 2014

In Summer

We have been having a fantastic summer.  The kids made a list of things to do and I think we've pretty much covered it all.  It's hard to believe it's August already!

Last day of school!
Climbing trees
Playing in the rain
Lazy days in pjs
The first weekend of summer we held a garage sale/bake sale/lemonade stand.  We involved the kids as much as we could in planning, preparing and executing the sale.  They really enjoyed it and won the hearts of many passers-by.
Then we had a Gallup work event at the baseball game
Me and the girls ducked out early to head to bed while Tommy and Jake stuck around till the end.  And it paid off.  The last hit of the game the ball flew right next to Tommy and he got it.  He was on cloud nine.
I made a decision to try and make the most of the beach this summer, since it's only an hour away.  I only made it out twice on my own, but I'm still proud of myself.

Lily loves to eat sand!  I honestly can't believe it myself.  I have to put her in the middle of a few towels and give her lots of snacks to distract her.
Our first trip to the beach was the warmest one.  The other times have been borderline too cold.  It has been a really mild summer.  No complaints as long as it doesn't bring winter sooner.

We took a little day trip to a fun "Castle" playground.  Definitely worth it except for all the summer camp kids.  It's seriously a joke.  They're everywhere!  From parks, to restaurants, malls, museums, even Broadway in NYC.  They're just so massive and so loud!

This kid needs more boys in his life!  None at home, one at church, and all his school buddies at summer camp :(
Treasure hunt in the backyard

Catching fireflies!

 Petting zoo at the library summer reading program family festival

Jake acquired a canoe for a day from his high adventure camp out with the youth in our church and he took the big kids on the canal in the back.  Rachel now has a "dream" of buying her own kayak and going kayaking.
Lots of turtles out sunbathing
Backyard camping with s'mores.  That's as adventurous as we're getting this year.

Firefly show!  They light up the trees like Christmas twinkle is truly mesmerizing.
And lots of time at the pool!  The big kids have had lessons here and there but I still feel like they haven't improved much.  They can keep afloat just fine, but I wish they could pick up some real strokes.
The kids have had lots of time just to play together.  And all three of them get along really well.  They do have lots of quarreling but it has been fun to see their relationships strengthen and the fun they have together.


La said...

Daphne and I are reading this post together and we are very jealous of the fireflies. So cool.

natalie said...

Backyard camping is my favorite kind! :)
I agree about the summer camp kids. My heart just drops whenever they show up somewhere that they are at. We might as well leave because they will trample Tori.
Looks like you've been having a fun summer. Wish we could spend part of it with you!

Herways Go West said...

And now to finish off in Belgium! It's a beautiful sunny day....think I'll go to the airport and pick you up!

The Duckworth Family said...

Darling picures and darling kids! It was sooo great to see you guys this summer!

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