Wednesday, May 21, 2014


 Tommy decides what he wants to be for Halloween and what kind of party he wants for his birthday months in advance, and he sticks to it.  Never changes his mind.  When he told me he wanted a monster truck birthday I was a little stumped.  Good thing for the internet. 

This was his first real birthday party with friends (He had a playdate type birthday party at the park when he was 4) so he was pretty excited.

Kate liked my art activity, and Tommy did too.  The other boys...not so much.
 I borrowed a trampoline from a friend and got these tubes online and it made some great obstacle courses for our "Monster Jam"
We did lots of racing too

 I had one game planned of seeing who could smash the most cars, aka balloons.  But the wind took that lasted 10 seconds.

Then we had to refuel with snacks and drinks.  Tommy loves soda.  I realized this just Great Grandma used to give us popcorn and Root Beer every time we would visit her.  I did it without even thinking about it.  That makes me happy.
More car smashing!
 Then decorating cupcakes.  Or putting dirt and mud on their tires :)
I had to include a couple pictures of his friends because they are so cute.
 Lovin' it!
Good thing the weather was nice.  I don't know what we would have done if we had to take it indoors.  The forecast threatened rain, but all we got was a couple rain drops.  It made for easy cleanup too.

My Monster Truck cake, of which I was quite proud of
 Yea for Happy Birthdays!
Except when you don't get a donut because you've already had too much chocolate.
After-party fun

Cute one!
Tommy is so good about letting his sisters open his presents.  He's just that kind of boy.  He's by far our best sharer.
Just love that chocolate beard
 So it was a good thing we had his birthday party on Saturday, because on Sunday (his actual birthday) I was really sick.  I managed a few things that day, but mostly stayed in bed.  Luckily, his food requests were simple.  He's easy to please!
Tommy's Birthday
Dinner Spaghetti
Lunch Smoothie
Breakfast Sugar Puffs
Chocolate (Cake)
Mint (Ice cream)

Tommy had been asking for and waiting a LONG time to get Lincoln Logs.  Some days he would tell me he was bored and then say, "I wouldn't be bored if I had Lincoln Logs."  He likes to give subtle hints.  Those paper airplanes I found in the dollar spot in Target had provided hours and days of entertainment!
And she finally got her donut
From the journal:
·      This kid LOVES cereal!  And it seems like every cereal is his “favorite cereal” whether it be “grandpas” (shredded wheat) “chugos” (cheerios) or sugar puffs.  He can easily have like 8 bowlfuls…it’s impressive.
·      He’s also always checking the side label to see how much iron and protein each cereal has.
·      He's a great Kindergartener.  His reading and writing are coming along (they have been a bit of a struggle).  He’s had two of his best friends move out (Jay and Takumi) but he still has plenty more.  I enjoy watching him take things to show and tell and he even remembers to put his library book in his backpack on Wednesdays, library day!
·      His current favorite TV show is Wild Kratts and he loves learning all the interesting animal facts.
·      He enjoys playing outside, digging for worms, catching butterflies, running with his kite, scaring squirrels, etc.
·      Tommy is getting fast on his two wheels too, and has the bump on his head to prove it from a crash he had when racing a neighbor boy.
·      He loves acting silly with Rachel, and even though I don’t like it much because I can’t get them to listen, he does have a great laugh
·      He prefers stories to books now (especially ones about Lily that Daddy makes up)
·      He has the biggest heart.  He is our best sharer.  Whenever he has something good he always wants to share it (mostly with daddy) but often with everyone.
·      He is our little peacemaker.  He can put up a good fight but usually gives in to what the girls want to avoid the drama.
·      He adores Lily and loves giving her kisses on the top of her head to feel her soft hair, and sometimes he says, “I just can’t stop looking at her” and always asks, “who’s the cutest baby in the world?”
·      I love watching this kid get giddy and excited with his little skip run.  He is such a happy boy!
I am so lucky and grateful to have this little boy in my life.  I love his enthusiasm for soldiers, guns, robots, rockets, airplanes, cars and trucks.  I am soaking it in as much as I can.  I love him more than words can say!


Heidi said...

Wild Kratts and Cereal-easily Taft's top favorite things in the world. So sad we live so far apart!

Herways Go West said...

You could easily write a book, and on what? how to give fabulous b.parties on a budget. The price though is that you have a load of work to pull it off, but you do! The cake, the obstacle course, the decorating the cupcakes. All brilliant.
Love your journal entry on Tommy. Not only can you wrap it up on what Tommy is all about, it shows through how much you love being his Mom. It's endearing.

Unknown said...

Oh, I love that kid. Pretty impressive party, especially the cake. Maybe one day I can channel that talent.

Maria said...

What a fun boy and great party!

natalie said...

What a fun bday party! I wish I had a boy (or a girl who likes monster trucks) so I could copy.

La said...

The cake is pretty WOW!! I am very impressed. I sure love that cute Tommy! I can't believe he is 6! Where does all the time go?

Colie said...

Tommy is honestly the sweetest, most thoughtful kid. He's a good sharer and he's good at noticing what the right thing to do is at the right time. He's growing up to be quite the gentleman!

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