Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wedding in Washington DC

 For our spring break we headed down to DC for Jake's brother Steve's wedding.  We started the trip off with a visit to the zoo.  The last time we went to a zoo was over two years ago.  I think Kate was a month old.  So this was her first experience, and it did not, you can't beat the price (I LOVE DC!)
 The sea otters were so personable.  We pointed out to Tommy how they flip in the water, to which he replies, "Yeah, I can swim like that."

As always, climbing
  Rachel spotted the cotton candy and insisted she spend her very own money to buy it (because Jake and I refused).  She was SO excited, and the best part of it all was that she was willing to use more of her money to get Tommy and Kate some too.
 The lion was a highlight of our visit.  He must have been hungry because he was pacing back and forth and letting out a good loud "ROAR."  It was really awesome.
 Another favorite was getting up close with the orangutans.  Kate tried to share some of her pretzels...he wasn't interested.
 We went downtown with the whole Herway crew and saw the monuments.  I wasn't to good about taking pictures.  There were plenty of shutters going off so I'm hoping to get me some of those ;)  ;)
Plus, it was really quite cold.  We were a little bummed that we missed the cherry blossoms this year.
 Inspired by Benjamin
 Jed to the rescue!  Tommy think he's invincible.  I can't remember if he was thinking he could jump that or what, but he's crazy
 Lots of cousin time!

 The big day!  Steve and Felicia tied the knot.  It was an incredible ceremony.
 I love this picture...I don't know whose hand it is, but I love Tommy's guilty face.
 Can this count as our Easter picture?  I forgot to get a picture Easter morning before church.
 Two peas in a pod.  These girls got along famously.  I'm trying to think the last time they saw each other...maybe two years ago, and they picked up playing as if they saw each other yesterday.
 After an unanticipated grueling day in the car with lots of traffic and getting lost, we finally made it to northern NJ for the reception
 This girl was a dancing queen!  She can be shy and hesitant to go to people sometimes, but something about that music, brought her right out of her shell.
 The kids had an absolute blast!  Rachel surprised me with some gangam style?  Boy I feel like an old fashioned parent sometimes.  They went strong well into the late hours. 
You would think with all that energy output, way past bedtime, the hour long drive home in the dark would have put them to sleep.  But no, sugar can do some amazing things.  We were even one minute from home when Kate decided to let it all out.


La said...

What a great memory for your kids. I am jealous. I love D.C. It is one of my most favorite cities in the world.

Maria said...

Great wedding pictures by the temple. What crazy, fun, cute kids. I love all the personality coming out.

Amy said...

Kate looks so big! I can't believe it. I'm glad you got to do the zoo since we couldn't get there in October. Sure do love D.C. and glad you got to be together with your family.

Mrs. Forrest said...

Your family is adorable! Love the photo in front of the temple.

Herways Go West said...

Rachel treating everyone to cotton candy? what a sweetheart!
I'm glad it's not my hand in your Easter Picture...and yes, it totally counts.
I also loved how Bryn and Rach took up where they left off.

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