Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Party time

 For Jake's 31st birthday I couldn't help but think of Baskin Robbins.  So we had a little ice cream party with a few families from our church.  It turned out to be a beautiful day which was perfect for all the kids to run around outside.  Sadly, I didn't take anymore pictures.
 Happy Birthday to the guy who is my every flavor ;)
 And somebody is excited for another birthday in just a few days!
 We signed Tommy up for Tee ball this spring and it has been so fun.  I loved buying his new baseball cleats and seeing him run in them "as fast as a cheetah" and then he loves to wear his baseball hat to preschool.  So far he is really loving it.  He's definitely the smallest on the team.  Super cute!  The youngest too...I think he made the deadline by just a few days.
Supportive fans
Katelyn loves our sandwich kiss.  Rachel was standing right there so I had her snap the picture.

 He just hit the ball...I love this boy!
 Speaking of we found out the gender of our baby.  We wanted to do something fun and something that involved the kids.  Jake came up with the idea of doing a pinata (he wanted the anticipation to be drawn out).  The ultrasound technician wrote down the gender and put it in an envelope.  We took that envelope, some candy and a pinata to Jake's coworker and had him fill it with either blue or pink candy.  I think the butterfly was appropriate for the butterflies that were in my stomach all day.  I couldn't even eat dinner, I was so anxious!  The kids had an absolute blast with it.
 And out popped PINK candy.  We will be having another girl!  It came as a shock to me...I thought (as did most everyone else) that I was having a boy. 

Tommy was a little bummed.  After the candy came out he said, "There are too many girls in this family!" and "I'm pretty sure there was blue candy in that pinata."  He's a good brother though and a good sport, he's still excited for the baby to come.
This new girl has a lot to live up to though.  Seriously, can you get any cuter??


La said...

Congrats!!! That is awesome. Kate will love having a little mini me. What a fun creative way to find out the gender. You guys are cool.

p.s. Tell Jake happy 31! He doesn't look a day over 21. ;)

Kristen said...

First of all Mel your hair is gorgeous and so long! Also poor Tommy, Carter can totally sympathize. He so wanted a brother too but sisters is what he's stuck with! What a fun way to find out!

Mortar and Pestle Mom said...

Melanie, your hair is so long and looks beautiful. Tommy's response to finding out that you're having a girl made me laugh :)

Amy said...

Your hair is getting so long! Love it. Tommy is adorable in his baseball gear. I feel like I don't even know who Kate is anymore. She looks so grown up. Sad! Love the pinata. Such a cute idea.

Ben + Brittany Trujillo said...

What a great idea for Jake's Birthday! I wish I thought of that for Ben's. Tommy is a stud and has a great cheering section. I don't remember the last time your hair was that long. Love it. Tommy and uncle Dan will have to bond and be brothers they never had :-) Kate is so cute. June can't come soon enough. I can't wait to see you all.

The Bawden's said...

Like Amy said, Kate looks so grown up. I hardly recognize her anymore. Tommy is a stud, I love that boy. Those pictures are just too cute.

Herways Go West said...

Rach took a great picture of the 'sandwich kiss'....photographer in the making. Tommy will love baseball. Go Tommy!
And yes, another Herway girl. So so exciting.
So much happens to your family in April Birthdays and anniversary. Great month.

Maria said...

Your hair is so long Melanie! I love all the pics!

Heidi said...

YAY! Rachel and Kate are absolute dolls and I'm sure this one will be just as adorable! YAY!

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