Sunday, April 21, 2013


For Easter this year we had the rare treat of having lots of family with us.  We had an extra 5 adults and 3 kids sleep at our house for one night.  It was fun!!  Although whoever slept on the love seat sofa may not agree :)  I was hoping to have time the day before to go grocery shopping for Easter dinner but didn't get a chance to because of traffic.  Luckily, there ended up being LOTS of leftover food from the reception and we were able to use that for dinner, and practically lived off of it the rest of the week.  I did however, manage to make my grandma's delicious orange rolls before we left for DC and froze them.  They were a big hit.  My Easter can go without ham and potatoes, but it is not the same without orange rolls.
Eager for the hunt...can't you tell
 Isa was SO good about sharing her eggs with Katelyn's overflowing! (I love Natalie in the background)
 Kate found a plastic lemon.  Crazy what you can find in the backyard after a full winter.

 We played a little game to even it all out...
 but Kate didn't care.  She was just happy to get started with the few she had.
 Kinder Eggs!!!

 My adorable niece Tori!
 Dying eggs
 I loved Bryn's idea of doing half and half, it turned out so pretty
 This boy was a little outnumbered with all the girls, but he didn't seem to mind too much.  He played fabulously with Isa.
 Indian Bob bedtime story with Pop
 One night we attempted a campout/ failed.
 the next night we tried a "late" also didn't go so well.  Oh well, at least they had plenty of time to play during the day.
 We took the family into town for our famous Princeton campus tour with some Bent Spoon ice cream.  (Does anybody else have kids that love collecting garbage?)
 Is that a secret handshake with Pop?
 I love this picture of Grammie getting a good angle.  Can't wait to see that picture :)
 Cruising "campus" (for some reason Tommy really loves that word)

Our visitors slowly trickled out as the week went on.  We loved every minute of it and I really would do it all again tomorrow.  Thanks again to Steve for getting married out East.  And I can't wait to see everyone again for the family reunion next month.

1 comment:

Herways Go West said...

This was an especially fun post b/c I was there! That one of me on the ground, yes...I hope it was a good shot. Probably not though, knowing my luck.
You guys were great hosts, and the kids were wonderful to share their space. What a great memory for all of us. Thanks to Steve/Felicia for an East coast wedding (as you said!)

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