Monday, September 24, 2012

Disneyland: Day One

A couple weeks ago when we told my kids we were going to Disneyland they were extremely excited.  I showed Tommy online video clips of the park to show him what he had to look forward to.  He said, "Wow, Disneyland is so much better than Chuck E Cheese!"  Yes, it sure is!  The kids got these cute pajamas from Grandma to wear while we were there.  Katelyn was twirling and saying "cute!"  She loved them so much that she would not let us take them off her the next morning.
I didn't feel like starting the day off with that battle, so...she went to Disneyland in her pjs
 We headed to the new Cars Land first.  What a fun place!  Feels like you're walking inside the animated movie.  It was amazing how well they replicated Radiator Springs.  
Tommy and Jack anxious for their first ride
 Meeting Mater.  Katelyn was intrigued with how he was talking
 It was great to have my sister Brooke so willing to go on the spinning rides with my kids.  Blek!
 Tower of Terror!  Rachel was very unsure but somehow wanted to do it again and it somehow became one of her favorite rides.  Tommy claims, "I was just a little tiny little bit scared on that ride."
 Katelyn was fascinated with the characters, but kept her distance

 Tommy come sit here I want to take your picture.  "But my pants are getting wet"  Love it.
 When Tommy saw Lightning coming down the street he ran right up to it.  Lightning McQueen says, "whoa, don't get too close...I just got detailed."
 Radiator Springs Racers.  We arrived first thing in the morning and there was even a long line for the fast pass.  We have some great uncles who took one for the team to get us all on.  It was a blast!

 Minnie Mouse has become a fast obsession for Katelyn
 Katelyn didn't grasp the concept of waiting in line very well
 Hooray for Peter Pan!
 I think Ethan bribed Tommy to sit next to him ;)
 Thunder mountain
 Splash mountain...another favorite
 We stayed late to see the fireworks show, we pushed them hard all day, they were good troopers, especially with how hot it was too.  It was funny to watch them all crash and to see how long Katelyn fought it.


The Bawden's said...

Spinning rides are the best! I was surprised how all the kids did at Disneyland...staying up late, no naps, extremely hot weather, what troopers. Cute pictures!

natalie said...

What a blast. I love that you let kate go in her pjs to avoid a fight. I would totally do that. haha. Love that last pic of tommy asleep on jake.

Herways Go West said...

Having a blast takes so much energy! Looks like it was a huge success, and a lasting favorite memory. So glad you could all be together!

La said...

Happiest Place on Earth!!!

Colie said...

I need to go to Disneyland with you guys - you're professionals. :)

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