The kids enjoyed some fresh air while we prepped for the birthdayTommy had a baseball themed birthday (even as I type this he and his dad are at a Mets v. Giants game). We had hot dogs for dinner.He loved ripping through his presents and loved every single one! His Evil Emperor Zurg bubble gum One day a few weeks ago a box came. Tommy gets really excited about boxes. I told him we couldn't open it right away because it was for his birthday, to which he says, "Oh, is it my astronaut?" He never asked for it, we never told him about did he ever guess?!Hot wheels launcher, "just like Andrew!"What's a birthday without a "pin the tail" game? This is Tommy getting mad at Rachel for going the wrong way.My attempt at a baseball mit cake. My poor husband came down with a mighty fever and missed it all. I put this video together for him. It's 7 minutes long, so you don't have to watch it.
I sure love my little man. He's a definite Daddy's boy, but I still have a soft spot for him. I'm much more lenient with him that I am with Rachel. His nursery leaders tell us he's mellow, never cries or whines. I wish we had the same kid at home! We try and have our Family Home Evening and he's usually climbing up the couch, running the length of our apartment and acting goofy. He's a typical boy, loves cars, trains, Legos, balls, Toy Story, space, etc. He knows his colors (most the time), counts to 13, then it's eleventeen, 18, 19, probably doesn't know his ABC's, we hear bits and pieces of the song sometimes. He dosen't like being told what to do. Loves playing with Rachel, and has a great imagination. Happy Birthday Tom Bom!
Your cake looks great (I want some), love the astronaut hat and just so you know, Dylan is the EXACT same way as far as behaving at school, primary, etc... but at our house or sacrament meeting he is a pill.
Your cake looks great (I want some), love the astronaut hat and just so you know, Dylan is the EXACT same way as far as behaving at school, primary, etc... but at our house or sacrament meeting he is a pill.
Little boys, gotta love them. And Tommy is a very lovable little dude. I can't believe he is already 3!
Cutest astronaut ever. I love, love, love little boys. :)
Thanks for the update on our 3 year old star! He is a gem. Glad he had a happy birthday. Or should I say a couple of happy birthdays!
omgosh. tommy has the cutest little smile. you can tell he just had the best day of his life. lol
The cake is adorable! You are my inspiration to keep making my own cakes instead of buying them! And I love Tommy. He is such a cute, smart boy!
3 things I love about Tommy:
1. He snuggles.
2. He thinks carefully before he answers a questions.
3. He's loyal.
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