Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tommy's Walkin

On Sunday Jake told me he took 8 steps at church. I didn't get to see it because I was teaching Primary. On Monday I tested him out at the library and sure enough, he could do it. That night he was walking back and forth across the entire family room and now he can walk from one end of the house to the other. He only falls when something gets in his way. He's been so close for so long I knew he would take off with it when he finally got the courage.


La said...

GO! Tommy Go!

natalie said...

Yay tommy! He is really good! I love his little faces. I was laughing out loud.

Herways Go West said...

So what is the official age? He walks at 15 months? but has been ready since 12??? He is a crack-up. Congrats Tommy. So courageous! Love the little grin of 'smugness' at the end. He should be proud!

Amy said...

Hooray! That is so great.

Abby said...

Hurray for Tommy! We'll be there in about three months (hopefully). :)

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