Thursday, June 2, 2016


Our nice days were far and few between this spring.  So we took advantage when it was nice.
Girls night while the boys went to Father and Sons.  We watched The Little Princess.  They all loved it.

Jake's good about getting at least one picture
Rachel's 5th grade class had a field trip to NYC to do the memorial, Liberty and Ellis Island.  She had this unit in 3rd grade she wasn't thrilled about doing it again, but we still had a great time.  Despite that it was FREEZING!  It was supposedly 67 degrees, but the wind was killer!
The freedom tower.  Looking up at this tall building was a little trippy with the clouds moving past.
Our old apartment complex.  It was so fun to see Rachel go down memory lane here in our old neighborhood, and listening to the things she remembered.  I was feeling super nostalgic and missing this place a lot!  We had some great times here.

The "castle" the kids used to play in all the time.
Rachel and I agree that no matter how many times we see the statue, it never loses it's awe.

For our belated anniversary this year we took a gelato making class in the city.  It was a lot of fun.  We still need to try out our newfound skills at home.  We came home with 8 pints of gelato, but they didn't quite make it back on the 2 hour commute home.

I have been doing a little bit of "training"  Jake and I are doing a biking trip in France and I need to get my neck and butt and muscles ready for the long rides.  We picked a beautiful day to picnic and bike the canal.
It continues to be so fun to see all the things blooming in my yard.

Jake got tickets to see Finding Neverland.  It was SO good!  I highly recommend it.  The music, the story...I loved everything about it.  It leaves New York this fall to go on tour...see if it's coming near you.  If not, come visit us ;)
A "hike" (or we'll just call it a walk) with friends.  We found a turtle in our path.
There's a great group of girls in our church here.  They have a book group going that has been really fun.  This month was Rachel's turn to host.  She chose the book Remarkable by Lizzie Foley.  Based off of the discussion the girls had I would say they all LOVED it!  Rachel did a great job organizing it all, coming up with good questions, creating a treasure hunt, etc.  I baked the cookies.
These girls were all fascinated by our typewriter.  I picked this up a couple weeks ago at a garage sale  for next to nothing and the kids are loving it.  Tommy is loving the sounds, the punching keys and the ding!
Last weekend we had the Richards come stay with us.  We met them back in Provo in our first ward after we were married.  They live only an hour away but it's amazing how had it is to get together often.  It was great to catch up.
And the kids got along famously.
Another training day.  I'm up to riding 10 miles.  On Monday, Memorial Day, I snuck into the Washington Crossing Cemetery as they were getting ready to do a service.
And in the spirit of the day I decided to swing by the 9/11 Memorial park, which isn't too far from our home.


Herways Go West said...

Hey, you want to try that Gelato at our house???

Amy said...

I bet it is so fun to see what new flowers pop up in your yard. I just always think it is so fun that you live close enough to NYC to visit often. And I agree the Statue of Liberty really is majestic. Isn't it so fitting to see Rachie host a reading group! I love that! Love seeing all the pictures.

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