Thursday, June 19, 2014

Livin the good life

This girl is spending more time on her tummy these days but is still not mobile.  The doctor was a little concerned at her 9 month check up about her gross motor development, but it's the way my babies are.  I don't mind.  It's killing me that she's just a summer away from being one!  Her newest skill is waving bye bye.  She is just the cutest most funnest thing ever.
We've had a lot of rain (sorry west coast...wish we could share) and so I pulled out this old thing from the garage and forgot how much I loved it.
Bent Spoon, our favorite ice cream shop in town, celebrated their 10 year Anniversary this year as well.  So a little rain didn't stop us from getting the free pizza, hamburgers, cookies, popsicles and of course, ice cream.

 We have some friends that we first met back in NYC in 2005.  We came and went, came and went again, and they've went and come back again.  They trained in to Princeton to spend the day with us.  Super fun, I love this family.

 For Easter we got one of these grow your own butterfly kits.  Pretty cool.  My kids really enjoyed watching the whole process of watching the caterpillars grow and forming chrysallis' and then emerging as painted lady butterflies.  It was really fun letting them wasn't too interested in flying away (maybe cause it was nearly dead...this is one of the many reasons we don't have pets)

Just observing...LOVE those cheeks and I love kissing them all day.

 Sunday afternoon stroll

We put Lily in the middle of the table at breakfast time and I put some whip cream out for pancakes one morning without thinking. 

Strawberry season this year has been good to us.  We get to pick from a farm we do a share with and we basically got to pick to our hearts content.  In two trips we picked a total of 18 quarts of strawberries.  I couldn't resist.  I would go back and do more, if my kids weren't tired of it :)  My freezer is full of jam and frozen strawberries and we enjoyed a couple pies and lots of smoothies.


natalie said...

Your kids are adorable! I loved getting to know Lily. She is a sweetheart. Bryn got a similar butterfly kit for her bday a couple years ago and it either arrived dead or I am really bad at keeping things alive. :/

La said...

We LOVE that butterfly kit. We have done that several times and it never gets old. I really like where you guys live and I think you guys are cool and I want to go on a family bike ride with y'all.

Herways Go West said...

Oh yeah. Cute family you have. Each one!

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