Wednesday, January 8, 2014

December Daze

 We had some warm days, some snow days, some sick days, some busy this month really was a daze.  We were able to get most things done but we missed out on a couple things when I got violently ill...twice.  So other than that it was a pretty fantastic time.  Here are all the pictures, in no order.

Warm weather=chalk, why not?
 Kate is starting to draw people...I love this stage.
 These kiddos are never too far from Lily when she is awake...I feel claustrophobic sometimes.  At least they're cute.
You know she's sick when...
 Mommy Daughter date night to the Vienna Boys Choir...LOVED. every. second. of. it!

 I like big cheeks and I cannot lie
 My kids call them "marshtapillows"
 Kindergarten projects, I seriously LOVE this age.  Maybe I should be a kindergarten teacher.
 Oh, just a cute one
 Some fun with Elf on the Shelf
 Pretty Lily
 Sunday Christmas pictures...she was not posing for a picture but I caught it anyway
 He was posing
 I'm a lucky momma...
 to have these crazy kiddos
 We went to a local farm to cut down our own tree.  Really fun experience, a family run business right from their home selling trees from their lot, they had hot chocolate and cookies for us afterward.  Jake is inspired and wants to do something similar in our family.
Jake really contemplated this was only $25.  It would have taken up our whole family room...we had a great time laughing about it.

 This kid LOVES Christmas decorations.  He was counting down the days and saying things like, "I can't wait until tomorrow...cause it's one day closer to getting our Christmas tree!"  He had to be patient and wait a whole week because I got sick the weekend after Thanksgiving.

 Ward Christmas party drummer boys...Tommy's favorite song
 I did a dance for the party with the Activity Day girls.  Considering we only had 1 1/2 hours of practice time to put something together, they did fairly well.  It was a Christmas toy dance with jack-in-the-box/rag dolls, toy soldiers, and ballerinas.
 Rachel telling Tommy who Santa really was.  She still believes though.
 Christmas caroling with the Sister Missionaries.  One of my favorite nights of the month.  The neighbors LOVED it.  One neighbor said, "in the 20 years I've lived here, we've never had carolers."  Another one said, "I've seen it in movies and cartoons, but I've never seen it in real life."  Rachel came home giddy as ever saying she felt JOY.
 Self timer.  Only one time.  Seriously miraculous right?  Maybe I should do it for all our family pictures.
 "Mommy, can I have a carrot?" " want it for a snowman's nose?" "No, the snow reminded me that I like carrots."


Herways Go West said...

that picture of 'pretty lily'....indeed! Love it. Poor Kate falling asleep half on the couch. she must have been sick indeed. so you should have gotten that huge tree!

La said...

Awe Lily! she is a doll. I am excited that we get to spend time together this February!

Ben + Brittany Trujillo said...

Fun times! Love Christmas. That Tommy cracks me up. I love the kid picture of them in their outfits and funny faces with Lily smiling. Can't wait to meet her and see you all again. Love you all.

Amy said...

Lily's smile is to die for! And I love Rachel's reaction to Christmas caroling. I wish my kids knew who missionaries were! Blast Utah. Tommy is awesome! I love Kate's stick figures. Sophs is into drawing lately too and it is adorable.

Colie said...

Brilliant family photo! Gotta love timers. I can't wait to meet Lily ... and to give Tommy some carrots. What a hilarious kid. :)

natalie said...

Tons of cute pics. Thanks for sharing! That one of Lily in her Christmas dress. those lips! oh my. What a doll!

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