Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Dream Come True...

Snow skiing and waterskiing
Roomates, you can back me up on this. It has been a dream of mine, for at least the past 10 years, to go waterskiing and snow skiing in the same day. I knew it was possible when we went waterskiing once in January (it was a exceptionally warm winter, but it's true there were still ice chunks in the water...crazy? I know. I don't know if I'd ever do it again). Anyway, it was made possible on this trip due to a crazy Utah winter that brought LOTS of snow and Snowbird still up and running. So, on July 2, 2011 we headed up and caught the tram at 8am. I was expecting to be skiing on slurpee snow, but it wasn't that bad. We had a blast and it was SO BEAUTIFUL up there!
I just LOVE how green it is down there.
I got such a kick out of these patches of rocks and the water flowing on them. I also loved how the snow would rain off your skiis on the lift.
We finished around 10 and crowds of people were starting to make their way up. And there were people in binkis, not kidding. We heard that the fourth of July was a mad house...we picked the right day!

LOVIN' IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She had this thing down...or up rather :)Yeah, I'm doing this by myself!
My camera was having trouble with the zoom, so the next pictures are kind of pink and bad quality, but I just love this smile on the Tom Bom. And that's not him blinking, turns out his eyes are closed in most the pictures. I don't know what it is about this kid and water in his eyes.
"This is even more awesome than even more awesome!"
Fun moment captured

Go Daddy!


Kristen said...

Yay yay yay! I'm so glad it finally happened for you. Super cute pics and so fun.

Maria said...

Amazing! But why didn't you wear your bikini to the mountain? :)

ephrielle said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish I could make it out to Utah this summer. But things just aren't working out. Being pregnant is sometimes a bit confining.

Tom and Kari Lane said...

awesome! Wish I could have done it with you!

La said...

I am jealous. I seriously need to snow/water ski all in one day. I am sorry we missed Jake. It's great to see him in pictures, though.

rach said...

Oh Mel!!!!! So so so happy for you! You deserve it!:)

Herways Go West said...

Super fantastic! Love the contrast....and better to do it in July than in January anytime! Truly a feat not too many people can say they have done. Way to go! (and thanks to your dad of course!)

Colie said...

This is historical.

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