Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pot of Gold

Rachel came to me this afternoon with gold hands. She had found the glitter and decided to make her whole room sparkle. I think we are done with "quiet time" (I'm not sure how I am going to manage without that nice break during the day), but this is what happens:Stickers that don't come offmarker...also doesn't come off
and a lot of days you can't even see the floor with all the toys and clothes and stuff.

We did however see some sunshine after a good 5 days straight of cold rain. I went on a walk around our neighborhood, which I haven't been able to do in years...literally. Rachel actually walked and then sat in the stroller as we admired all the "popcorn" on the trees and picked clovers.
And here is our "green" dinner- green eggs and ham, salad, kiwi, limeade and jello jigglers, which didn't turn out again. In my five years of marriage and trying to do these, they've never turned out. I know it's probably one of the easiest things you could make. I don't understand either.


natalie said...

Oh and you are all wearing green too! How fun.
Bryn has stopped taking her nap and refuses to spend "quiet time" in her room! I just save Bryn's TV time for when Isabel is taking her nap, and that is now my break. Not the way I'd like it, but I NEED that break!

La said...

Very cool dinner. Jigglers are kinda hard. I use sprite in mine and that seems to make them work out.
I have been really spoiled in the nap department but I do have four kids so I have had more than my fair share of marker, glitter, stickers, etc. in some not so fun places. It's not quiet time, it's a right of passage.

Maria said...

Oh, Rach. I can't believe all that happened in one quiet time! At least you got out of the house after. I am jealous that you have popcorn popping--that is so pretty.

Maria said...

Uh,oh. I was looking back at those pictures--are those the stickers Andrew gave Rach for her birthday? I sure hope we aren't partially responsible for this!

Amy said...

sorry about the naptime! never a fun transition. but at least you'll be here soon with more people to entertain her... we can't wait to play!

Herways Go West said...

Sadly, it won't only be at naptime that you will find markers in bad spots (Jake colored the neighbors garage door) But guarantee she will make up for it in a thousand ways and you'll count yourself lucky to know such a spunky girl!

w and w said...

I love the wall art!

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