Tuesday, July 22, 2008

1st time to the zoo


Kristen said...

Oh I can't believe how much your kids look like Grossens. I thought they were a mix, but looking at thse pictures makes me not think so. Love the zoo, I so miss it.

La said...

Great pictures and video! Tommy and the Rach are so dang cute. I am really glad that I got a chance to experience them in living color. I can't wait until October, for two reason. First because we should get a little more time with you guys and secondly, because I won't be prego so I won't be nearly as cranky or forgetful.
Thanks again for hanging out yesterday. It was so fun.

Herways Go West said...

So Mel, did you take those great shots....or your dad? Man, some of those were PROfessional! Loved the one of Rach sticking out her tongue and then the next one was of the giraffe sticking out his tongue!
I think I need name tags....your brother Dan and his wife? Your mom...who else? Loved the shot of Tommy with his big, big smile!

Melissa said...

Love the huge smiley from Tommy! So precious. Is that really the 1st time Rachel has been to the zoo? Enjoy the rest of your time with family!

natalie said...

How fun. I'm impressed Rachel knows the BYU chant. I don't even think I really know it completely. oops.
Oh and Tommy is getting so old! When did that happen?

Nicole said...

caroline and i loved your video! i love seeing all the photos of your family.

kenders said...

I LOVE the zoo! It looks like you guys had a great time. And you're so good at making the videos for your blog!

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