Monday, August 30, 2010

Still waiting

Kate is LATE! So, while we wait...
we'll play with Grandma. She flew in Saturday morning, we went and had lunch at the "famous" Shake Shak. It's been on our to do list and we are happy to say it exceeded expectations. We've heard about long lines and good food, but there was no line and great food! Better than five guys and rivals with In-N-Out. Especially since they have some amazing shakes and custards.
It kept the kids quiet :)
Then we went and did the ferris wheel at Toys R Us, which was a huge hit!Going up
Tommy was completely enthralled with this moving dinosaur!
Rachel wanted to spend her money (the 70 cents in coins we've collected on the New York streets) and out of all the toys and candies she decided to get a "journal." The entire thing was filled with doodles by the end of the day.
We also did some shopping on 5th Avenue, grocery shopping and dinner at a Thai restaurant. You'd think that all the walking, the spicy curry, the bumpy bus rides, maybe even the foot massage Jake gave me last night would have put me in labor by now. I really didn't think I would last this long, neither did my doctor. URGHHH...the anticipation and waiting is torturous!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

More city fun

Last week we made a trip out to Hoboken, New Jersey to pick up a baby swing I found on craigslist. What a view they have from over there. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the sunset was incredible, especially with the full rainbow going across the entire city.Every Friday night the neighborhood association (which does all the free things) brings out a bunch of drums for kids and adults to jam along to some fun rhythms.
Yesterday we headed up to Midtown for "Summer Streets." They closed off Park Avenue for people to walk, run, bike and skate through the city. Really fun.
We even got to swim in an ice cold pool next to Grand Central
Why is it that kids don't care about the temperature?
Tommy says, "I am a boat"
We had a bit of nostalgia walking the streets we lived on 5 years ago. Seeing Rockefeller Center, Jake's old office building...we even had lunch with the boss Jake had here for his internship. Rachel said it was a super fun day!

Well, my next post could very well feature a new baby girl...we'll keep you posted ;)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Busy week

We have an awesome neighborhood here in NYC. Everyday they have some free activity for kids. There's Preschool Play Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday where they bring out a bunch of toys at a park and do stories and songs at the end. Preschool Art on Thursdays where they do a different craft each week. There's basketball and soccer too. I wish we could take advantage of the soccer more often. Unfortunately it's at 2:30 and Tommy usually sleeps from 1-4. It was cute to watch Rachel do the drills and kick the ball. She absolutely loved it and was so proud she "won" (being the first one to dribble the ball down the field.)Our first experience with craigslist in NYC didn't go so well (we got scammed out of an apartment) but we've had success with it this time around. We traded this aluminum frame...
for this aluminum frame.
We didn't really trade, we just sold the bike Monday night and I bought our new stroller Tuesday afternoon. Although Jake was really sad to say goodbye to his beautiful bike, I am really happy with this new stroller. My old double was extremely hard to push and especially turn. This strolls like a dream. I never in a million years would have paid more than a couple hundred on a stroller but it's so worth it. It really is our mode of we don't have to pay gas or insurance :)
It was good timing too. The next day we went to Central Park. I had no idea Central Park was so hilly...not to mention it was another one of those HOT days. I would have died pushing my old stroller. Honestly.Last week was our final swim lessons. We may sign them up again in the fall.

Rachel has made some major progress from last summer. Most of all, her confidence. She's not afraid to put her face in the water, and to try new things.

The city life seems to wear us all out. Tommy takes great naps and Rachel seems to almost need them again too. She is often falling asleep in the stroller late afternoon/evening.
Jake's parents and sister Nicole came to stay with us for a couple days on their layover out west. We had a great time with them here! We showed them our neighborhood, did the Staten Island Ferry, the Chelsea Market and Times Square. We loved hearing how much they loved our apartment and where we live. We really have a good set up here and we're really happy.

Our apartment and neighborhood right behind us

As we were walking around town on Saturday we happened upon this fire station that allowed us to come look at their fire engines and to even climb inside. Tommy heaven!! It was also neat to see their little memorial of those who were involved in the September 11 rescue effort from their station.

Thanks again for the great weekend!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Looking brighter

Although...early last week we had more stress with the closing on our house. We wired money that we owe on the house and it got sent back to us last minute. Then, they didn't believe our "power of attourney" was the original. I tried over-nighting what I thought might be it, but we ended up having to get a new one done and then sent that overnight as well. But it's all done now. No more headaches! And I really am grateful that we were at least able to sell it.

My doctor's appointment was painless and done in 5 minutes. Tommy did great in swimming lessons ;) and we finally got our phone situation figured now we can settle least for the next 3 weeks :)

Here are just some random pictures of the last few days:

Waiting for the bus, which we tend to do often, and often it is not on timeEnjoying the shade and the breeze off the river. It has still been unbearably hot here! Rachel drew a bunch of signs she sees around New York City...stop, go, no smoking, no dogs. She was telling all the dogs who passed by, "hey, no dogs allowed!"
This weekend we got together with "Charlotte" friends. The Miles came down for the weekend from Boston and we met up with the Laymans who live on the Upper East Side. Great fun!

And today is laundry day! It's a bit overwhelming...when you do it once a week. I don't know if you can tell but the entire double stroller is filled with dirty clothes. 5 loads wash, 3 loads dry = $16. Can you believe it?! At least it's all done in 2 hours. I just can't imagine what a newborn is going to add to all this.

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